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Newsnotes from winter 2023 HOPE magazine

Celebrating 60, 70 and 75 years

We celebrated our Sisters of Providence senior jubilarians Dec. 8 at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sisters of Providence who celebrated 75 years with the Congregation include (front, from left) Sister Joyce Brophy, Sister Lucille Nolan and Sister Margaret Heese. They are photographed with the General Council, including (back, from left) Sister Carole Kimes, Sister Laura Parker, General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, Vicar Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp and Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein
Sisters of Providence celebrating 70 years with the Congregation this year include (front, from left) Sister Patricia Geis, Sister Rose Virginia Eichman, Sister Marie Esther Sivertsen, Sister Marilyn Herber and Sister Mary Ann McCauley. They are with the General Council, including (back, from left) Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein, Sister Laura Parker, General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, Sister Carole Kimes and Vicar Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp.
Right: Celebrating 60 years (1962-2022) were (front, from left) Sisters Therese Whitsett, Martha Joseph Wessel and Marilyn Baker.

This shrine is at the site of Mother Theodore’s birthplace in Etables, France. Photo credit/copyright: Jean Michel Daoudal.

Join us for a pilgrimage in France July 12-22, 2023

Visit special places in the life of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, including her home, original motherhouse and other landmarks in northern France.

Contact Sister Susan Paweski, SP, at spaweski@spsmw.org or 312-909-7492 for more information.

25 years a Sister of Providence

Congratulations to Sister Evelyn Ovalles, SP, who celebrated 25 years as a Sister of Providence on Aug. 21 at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She also celebrated in her home parish, St. Katherine Drexel Church in Chicago, on Oct. 23. Our mission of loving service is very much alive in Sister Evelyn.

New volunteer coordinator

Sarah Knoblock

Sarah Knoblock joined the Sisters of Providence as the new volunteer services coordinator in August, replacing Sister Becky Keller, SP, who ministered in that role for 15 years.

Sarah herself had spent time as a volunteer with the Sisters of Providence. She volunteered for a time with White Violet Center for Eco-Justice in 2019 after moving back to the Terre Haute area from Colorado.

Sarah said she is ready to continue to foster the rich tradition of volunteering with the Sisters of Providence.

“While no one could ever replace Sister Becky, I am happy to try to fill her shoes,” Sarah said. “My goal is to continue to grow our volunteer opportunities with dedicated and caring individuals who want to further the love, mercy and justice goals of the Sisters of Providence.”

For information on how you can volunteer, visit Volunteer.SistersofProvidence.org or contact Sarah at sknoblock@spsmw.org or 812-535-2878.

Celebrate! Two sisters profess final vows

Sisters Arrianne Whittaker, SP, at right, and Tracey Horan, SP, at left, professed perpetual vows as Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on Aug. 20, 2022, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. We are so blessed to have them living lives of service with us.

Welcome to our new Sisters of Providence advancement staff members

Meet Gina

Gina Woods

Say hello to Gina Woods, Ph.D., the Sisters of Providence new major donor advisor. Gina joins us from her former position as director of development and communication with Indianapolis Legal Aid Society.

This fall Gina began a series of listening tours with many benefactors near and dear to the sisters. She plans on continuing those visits in the months ahead. As major donor advisor, Gina’s main objective is helping individuals and foundations match their giving interests with the needs of the Sisters of Providence. Gina also collaborates with Sister Mary Tomlinson, SP, in writing grants supporting Congregation needs.

We believe Gina will have great success building our major gifts program for the future! So if Gina reaches out, please say yes to a visit! Or, if you would rather reach out, contact Gina at 812-535-2811 or gwoods@spsmw.org

Meet Cami

Cami Pritchett

The Sisters of Providence Advancement Services office welcomes Cami Pritchett as our new constituent engagement and planned giving manager. Cami looks forward to engaging alumnae/i, family of sisters, friends and volunteers as well as being a resource with your estate planning for your future.

Cami joins us from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, where she worked in administrative support for the Social Science Research Commons. You will find Cami on campus one-to-two days weekly and the rest of the week working from Bloomington. Cami invites all those interested in planning milestone reunions for their classes to let her know at 812-535-2807 or cpritchett@spsmw.org

Fun community events return

At Christmas Fun at the Woods, a little girl sits with Santa at the Lodge in front of a cozy fire and shares her Christmas wish list.

After a long hiatus due to COVID-19 precautions, the end of 2022 saw a return to in-person community events at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods! Fall Farm Day on Oct. 2 was a success. We shared alpacas, hayrides and activities for the many who joined us. Then on Dec. 10, guests young and old joined us for Christmas Fun at the Woods with sing-alongs, cookie decorating, nativity dress up and more.

Join us for the fun at our next event, our Earth Day Festival and Craft Fair on Saturday, April 22, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp, center, and other volunteers help with games during Fall Farm Day.

It’s a girl!

Welcome to our new alpaca addition at the Woods, Providence Hua Mei (named after the first Sisters of Providence school in China). Providence Hua Mei was born Oct. 17 at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to Providence Jean Raphael. She’s a cutie!

Did you know you can “adopt” Hua Mei or one of our other alpacas? Support our eco-justice ministry while getting bragging rights on “your” alpaca. Adopt.SistersofProvidence.org

The growing Providence Community

Twenty-one new Providence Associates joined the Providence Community in a ceremony on Oct. 8 at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

New Providence Associates 2022! Front row from left: Susan Yochum, Theresa Stinson, Kara Wilson, Cynthia Chapa Garcia, Ann Clem, Marilyn Antonik. Second row from left: Della Gunning, Tara Ronda, Tracy Van Auken, Laura Tucker, Lisa Collins, Janet Roth and Michael Tosick. Back row from left, Co-Director Sister Susan Paweski, Brenda Kyle, Martha Pluckebaum, Felicia Tiritilli-Davis, Sheila Lauck, Diane Orr-Schafer, and Co-Director Debbie Dillow. At top, Mary Ellen Savage and Elyse Turula.

Alumnae/i news

Ladywood-St. Agnes 50th Reunion

The 50th Anniversary celebration for the Ladywood-St. Agnes Class of 1973 will take place on Saturday, June 24, 2023, at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Indianapolis. For more information, contact Marianne Ferreol at merf27@gmail.com.

St. Charles School in Bloomington

Alumni, Sisters of Providence, students, parishioners and friends gathered on Friday, Sept. 9 for the 100th Anniversary Celebration of St. Charles School in Bloomington, Indiana. Look who was getting into the spirit of the occasion!

Left to right, front row: Sisters of Providence Regina Marie McIntyre, Joni Luna; back row: Sisters Marilyn Baker, Mary Montgomery

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin High School

Celebrating 40 years! Alumnae of former Mother Theodore Guerin High School in River Grove, Illinois

The Mother Theodore Guerin High School Class of 1982 held its 40th reunion on Saturday, Oct. 8. Alumnae gathered for a 5 p.m. Saturday evening Mass at the former St. Celestine Church, now Mother Theodore Guerin Parish, in Elmwood Park. A festive celebration followed at Draft Bar in Chicago. Forty years and still fabulous, ladies!

Vincennes, Indiana, all alumni Mass

Annual all-alumni reunion Mass, St. John’s Catholic Church, Vincennes

Graduates of St. Rose Academy, Cathedral High School and Vincennes Rivet filled the church when they gathered for an all-alumni Mass at St. John’s Catholic Church in Vincennes on Saturday, Sept. 24. Following Mass, St. Rose Academy alumnae proceeded to the Vincennes University campus where they celebrated their 28th annual Alumnae Reunion of St. Rose Academy. It was a beautiful day filled with smiles, hugs and entertaining presentations from representatives of the three 50-year reunion classes: 1970, 1971 and 1972. St. Rose Academy alumna Sister Marsha Speth, SP, presented remarks on the current activities of the sisters and associates.

These alumnae waited a very long time to celebrate their 50th reunion! The ever-so-patient St. Rose Academy Class of 1970

If you are interested in planning a reunion for your class, please contact Cami Pritchett at cpritchett@spsmw.org or 812-535-2807.

Originally published in the winter 2023 issue of HOPE

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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