Be inspired

What inspires you?

For the Sisters of Providence a belief in, and dependence upon, Providence is central to our faith. Providence is simply another name for God’s loving care in our lives and in the world. Our foundress Saint Mother Theodore Guerin had a deep love for Christ and the Eucharist, which the sisters also carry forward today. Perhaps Providence has brought you here to be inspired and to thus inspire others?

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

“I am going to offer my prayers for you, so that the Holy Spirit will inspire and guide you.”

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

1798-1856, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana

Retreat opportunities

Plan your retreat at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

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Prayer requests

How can the sisters pray for you today?

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Spiritual direction

Arrange for spiritual direction with a certified sister or associate leader.

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Let us help support you in your journey of faith.

We’d love to offer prayer support for you or a loved one in need. Perhaps you’d like to meet with a sister who can offer wisdom and journey with you?

Quote of the day

October 22
Foundation Day
“October 22! Fifteen years ago today we arrived in our forest. How many graces since then.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Search for inspiration

Finding the right words difficult? Search our database to find the perfect prayer, or be inspired by a quote that you can share with others.

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Environmental and social justice

Do you wish to join with other like-minded persons to support the marginalized?

We are called to respect and care for all of God’s Creation to preserve a vibrant earth community for future generations. We have honored the spirit that has brought us forth as interconnected and interdependent reflections of the God of Providence in sacred relationship with all life. Justice relates to all parts of the web of life – social, economic and environmental.

Learn about ways you can join the Sisters of Providence in supporting environmental and social justice.


“If present trends continue, this century may well witness extraordinary climate change and an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems, with serious consequences for all of us. … Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: Environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.”

Pope Francis

Laudato Si encyclical

Weekly Gospel reflection

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Back to School with Guerin and Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp

Reconnect with Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp!

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Back to School with Marywood and Sisters Dawn Tomaszewski & Barbara Reder

Reconnect with Sister Dawn and Sister Barbara!

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Mystics and Fellowship

The four-part series will focus on a thoughtful question each month

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Sisters of Providence efforts

Justice inspiration

Act in your own life

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Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Our foundress

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin