Get involved
No matter what your gifts & talents are,
we have many ways for you to get involved with the Sisters of Providence. You may even find that your life is blessed for giving service!
Consider volunteering at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
If you live close-by, great. If not, you can always plan a visit to the Woods and serve as a volunteer for a day or even a week. Whatever works best for you. There are a variety of options, from guiding tour groups and sharing your clerical skills to assisting with activities in our health care and providing transportation for sisters.
Are you a graduating college senior or perhaps you just retired?
Take a break from the ordinary and become an intern at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice. Spend three months to a year harvesting vegetables from the organic garden, helping shear alpacas, learning to spin fiber, weave or knit – the sky is the limit!
Perhaps you're looking for a new career?
Review our employment opportunities with the sisters. We also offer many positions in health care.
You can also support the sisters with your monetary donation, which helps to further the mission and ministries of the SPs.
Explore our summer issue of HOPE, where we share inspiring stories of creating hope.
Read issue