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Justice Coordinating Commission

Sister Marilyn Ann Kofler, right, speaks with those at her table, including Lorrie Heber, left.

The Justice Coordinating Commission (JCC) is an “umbrella” group composed of Sisters of Providence, Providence Associates, and others who have actively worked with us to address justice issues. The group, which builds on works of previous justice committees, is charged with focusing the justice issues for our Congregation. The group began meeting in 2016 to organize its work around a focus on environmental justice in the coming five years.

We have identified four sub-focus areas in dire need of attention: Climate change, water, food supply/food security, and migrant workers. Faithful to our past work on our Congregation, the JCC has suggested these areas be addressed through the lens of three filters: Racism, women and children, and investments.

The JCC have agreed to put more focus on the intersectionality of various justice issues this year, infusing it into the work of the JCC and all of its subcommittees and across the Congregation.

Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp, Vicar

The commission is made up of three subcommittees, including the Climate Change Task Force, Ethical Investment Task Force and Justice Fund Committee. All three subcommittees meet regularly.

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