A long history of mission in Asia
Did you know that the Sisters of Providence have had a presence in Asia since 1920? Six sisters responded to a call to the foreign mission, echoing Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s response to go to a foreign land in 1840. Currently, we minister in two locations, including Miracle Home and Providence University. We also have several women in formation in the area.

100 years of the Sisters of Providence in Asia
This video marks the 100-year anniversary of the Sisters of Providence in Asia.
And in this video, we honor those Sisters of Providence who have ministered in Asia.
Learn more
- For a brief history of the Mission in Asia, click here.
- Click here to read portions of the article “Day of Departure” in the November 1920 issue of The Aurora, a publication of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
- Click here to read more about The Bugle Call.
- Click here to read more about Archival Treasures from the Mission in Asia.
Find out more about what we are doing in Asia today here
Sisters of Providence who have served or currently serve in Asia
+++ Original Group for Foundation in China ** Living Sisters
Sisters …
Carmel Baker
Marilyn Baker**
Concetta Banez
Editha Ben**
Marcella Ann Blaney
Rose Michelle Boudreau
Joseph Henry Boyle
Eleanor Mary Buckley
Sophia Chen**
Rose Chiu**
Anne Therese Falkenstein**
Anji Fan**
Anna (Tsai Ping) Fan**
Rita Faucher
Donna Marie Fu**
Margaret Gallagher
Mary Rita Griffin
Mary Margaretta Grussinger
Theodata Haggerty
Elizabeth Cecile Harbison
Mary Ligouri Hartigan
Catherine Hartman
Brendan Harvey
Catherine Hayes
Su-Hsin Huang**
Eugene Marie Howard+++
Jeanne Knoerle
Doreen Lai**
Agnes Miriam Leissler
Agnes Joan Li
Mother Marie Gratia Luking+++
Bernadette Ma
Delan Ma**
Joan Matthews**
Joan McCarthy
Agatha McFadden
Cecilia Ann Miller
Clare Mitchell+++
Carol Nolan**
Nancy Nolan**
Winifred Patrice O’Donovan+++
Mary Evangela O’Neill
Rosa (Shu-Hsia) Pan **
Edith Pfau
Angelica Raney
Mary Elise Renauldt+++
Monica Marie Rigoni
Irene Russell
Loretta Frances Ryan
Ruth Sampson
Loretta Schafer
Saint Francis Schultz
Marie Patricia Shortall+++
Dorothy Souligny
Suzanne Smith**
Marie Denise Sullivan
Celeste Tsai**
Regina Mary Wallace
Mary Sebastian Whelan
Agnes Loyola Wolf
Ann Colette Wolf
Norene Wu**