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A Reflection for the 2024 Providence Associate Commitment Ceremony

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 21, 2024 |

Maybe you didn’t know that being a Providence Associate would involve bread-making

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Lifting each other up with Sister Marie Grace Molloy

By Amy Miranda | October 19, 2024 |

In this short video, Sister Marie Grace Molloy shares about ways the Sisters of Providence and our supporters lift each other up.

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Oral history: Sister Ann Sullivan

By Debbie Griffey | October 18, 2024 |

Ann was raised with a love of the land.

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Sister Noralee Keefe on replacing Willy

By Amy Miranda | October 14, 2024 |

91-year-old Sister Noralee Keefe shares with you about her friend Willy the elevator.

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By Jane Fischer | October 10, 2024 |

Are you as amazed as I am by how much you learn as part of this Providence Community?

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Sister Ann Casper shares about our elevator needs

By Amy Miranda | October 5, 2024 |

In this short video, Sister Ann Casper shares with you about our need for replaced and refurbished elevators for our elder Sisters of Providence.

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Honoring the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi

By Sister Suzanne Dailey | October 4, 2024 |

Francis of Assisi adopted such a life for himself and lived joyfully a radical form of Christianity and called his followers to do likewise.

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‘She is Our Hero:’ Reflection for the 2024 Feast Day for Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 3, 2024 |

‘Let us be astonishing, sisters.’

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Listening to Nature’s Whispers

By Monica Hayden | September 27, 2024 |

Let’s do our part

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Freed between the lines

By Sister Donna Butler | September 22, 2024 |

Learn how you can be an effective advocate

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Examining International Equal Pay Day

By Sister Suzanne Dailey | September 18, 2024 |

While achieving equal pay is very important for both human rights and gender equity, it is a huge task and not an easy one.

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A reflection for the Season of Creation

By Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp | September 17, 2024 |

My sisters and brothers, this Season of Creation and the readings of the day call us to action

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