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A reflection on the first profession of vows by Sister Leslie Dao

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | June 30, 2024 |

‘It is my privilege now, on behalf of this Providence Community, to call Sister Leslie to her first profession of vows.’

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‘We’re all grateful for your CONNECTION’

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 25, 2023 |

You are not joining a club today or becoming a card-carrying member of an organization. You are responding to a call to deepen your connection to the Holy One.

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Remembering who we are and why we are here!

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 23, 2023 |

Spend time reflecting on the impact of the Foundation Story in your life

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A reflection for Reception into the Novitiate

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | August 16, 2022 |

Come, Leslie. Come follow this path marked out by Providence

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Reflection for a Celebration of Commitment

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | June 28, 2022 |

I ask each of you who shares a relationship with us within this Providence Community, “What is your calling now? To what are you committed? And why does that matter?”

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Ash Wednesday: The ‘Black Friday’ of the Church year

By Brad Crites | March 2, 2022 |

Sometimes, the liturgical action, in this case receiving ashes, expresses what we struggle to find words to express on our own. Even when we know we’re pulled toward a journey, we may have no idea what direction to take or where the path even is.

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A 2021 Reflection for our Senior Jubilee

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | December 10, 2021 |

Please jubilarians, keep sowing hope

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Will you listen to your heart: A foundation day reflection

By Debbie Dillow | October 22, 2021 |

As we celebrate the hope-filled beginnings and sacrifices offered to create this Providence community, I ask: What about you? Will you listen to your heart? Will you answer the call?

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A reflection on the 2021 Providence Associate Commitment and Renewal

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 12, 2021 |

We certainly support all your efforts on behalf of God’s mission of Providence wherever you may be

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Reflections for Oct. 3, 2021

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 4, 2021 |

Saint Mother Theodore, pray for us

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Seeing Saint Mother Theodore’s writings in new lights: A feast day reflection

By Ezra (Kyle) Meadors | October 3, 2021 |

The pandemic gave new meaning to her words, “ … for you will see many things in new lights if you give the Holy Spirit free access to your minds and hearts.”

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Reflections for the Easter Triduum

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | April 1, 2021 |

Easter blessings to you in Providence

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Leader, teacher, immigrant, healer. Saint of God.

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