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Health care

Individual sisters serve in a variety of ministries in the United States and in Taiwan.

Sisters of Providence serve in health care settings as nurses, chaplains, outreach ministers to the homebound and elderly, in hospice and as visitors and patient advocates.

Sponsored healthcare ministries

The Sisters of Providence have always cared for their sisters in need, having several sister nurses ministering for many years in their infirmary.

Ruth Surmatis, center left, says she went from not being able to sit up in bed to walking with a walker over her weeks at Providence Health Care. Here Ruth works with physical therapy assistant Emily Wallace as her husband Joe looks on.

Providence Health Care

If you or a loved one are in need of in-patient or out-patient rehabilitative services, long-term care or assisted living facilities, you’ll want to consider Saint Mary-of-the-Woods! The Sisters of Providence sponsor Providence Health Care (PHC), which welcomes patients from the general public to its top-rated health care system amidst beautiful, peaceful surroundings.

One of the unique rehab offerings at PHC includes hydrotherapy through the use of an on-site aquatic therapy pool. Therapy given by our caring, qualified therapists can increase strength, mobility, stamina, assist in pain management and encourage a more positive attitude.

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