Ladywood-St. Agnes, Indianapolis (1970-1976)
The LSA class of 1973 held their 50th Year Class Reunion on Saturday, June 24th at the Northside Events & Social Club (formerly the Knights of Columbus) in Indianapolis. A picnic was then held on Sunday, June 25th at Fort Ben.
For questions, contact Cami Pritchett, Constituent Engagement/Planned Giving Manager, who is heading the alumnae/i relations area of our department at this time. You may reach her at 812-535-2807 or email
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Remember these sisters?
These sisters all taught at Ladywood-St. Agnes at one time. Click on their name to see what their ministry is now. Or click here to contact them!
Anne Weinkauf
Class of 1974
The Ladywood St. Agnes high school class of 1974 just enjoyed a reunion brunch organized and planned by these alumni. We are grateful to see everyone again!!
At the time of the merger between Ladywood School and St. Agnes in 1970, 600 girls attended the new facility. The quality of the education maintained there led to the development of many leaders in the community and elsewhere.
Meanwhile, areas in the central part of the city of Indianapolis were changing. Cathedral High School for Boys, located across the street from the former St. Agnes Academy, was in need of a new location. It was decided by the sisters to sell the property to Cathedral High School with the agreement that the school would be co-educational.
Several Sisters of Providence remained on the staff of the new school. Ladywood-St. Agnes merged with Cathedral in 1976 after six years of great work.
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