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Au revoir! Sister Paula Damiano retires from ministry

“I think one of the best memories I will have is when people have left a retreat, program, workshop or prayer service and they say, ‘I really felt a connection with God.’” Sister Paula Damiano, SP

On Tuesday, August 20, it became official as Sister Paula retired from her position as director of retreats and programs and co-director of Providence Spirituality & Conference Center (PSCC) at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Paula Damiano (left) with Sister Elizabeth Koressel.

The Sisters of Providence celebrated her 10-plus years ministering at PSCC with a gala in the Community Room of Providence Hall.

Sister Paula started her ministry at PSCC in 2012, serving as the coordinator of programming. She became the director of retreats and programs in 2013 and then assumed the co-director position of PSCC in 2014.

“It has always felt like this ministry called upon every part of me,” Sister Paula noted. “It has all been so amazing.”

Prior to starting her ministry at PSCC, Sister Paula served on the leadership team for the Congregation for 10 years. She has also ministered as a pastoral associate, congregation associate director of vocations and as a teacher.

Sister Paula Damiano (left) cuts into the retirement cake as General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski looks on.

She taught at the high school she attended prior to becoming a Sister of Providence: Marywood in Orange, California.

“Although I only taught in the classroom during the first part of my religious life, I’ve been teaching ever since,” Sister Paula said. “Every ministry I’ve had, there were parts that were absolutely fabulous.”

After ministering on the Congregation’s leadership team, Sister Paula said she spent time in Taiwan before realizing she really wanted to be a part of what was being created at PSCC.

“I knew we were going to reinvent (PSCC) and I really wanted to be a part of it,” she admitted. “Putting together retreats is such an amazing coming together of so many people making it happen. It really does take a village.”

A party and ‘wishing well’

During the retirement celebration, Sister Paula and those in attendance were treated to cake, ice cream, punch, cupcakes and more.

General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski presented Sister Paula with a gift from the Congregation and others gifted her with cards which were placed into a “wishing well.”

Sister Paula Damiano (right) and Mission Advancement staff member Narie Suh stand next to a wishing well full of cards.

What’s Next?

While Sister Paula has officially retired from this ministry, she said she intends to continue ministering in spiritual direction as well as conducting workshops. But first, she plans on taking some needed time off!

“I plan to take a few weeks to relax a bit,” Sister Paula said. “And then I will go on retreat to the East Coast to visit with family. And I’ve got plenty of books I want to read.

“We’ll see what the next five months bring. As Sisters of Providence, we’re always listening to the spirit.”

Sister Paula Damiano (fourth from left) with (from left) Sisters of Providence staffers Richard Walker, Mike Domeika, Jim Neidlinger, Dustin Yancey, Sister Rose Ann Eaton, Brad Bowen, Austin Bedwell and Gary Carpenter.

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

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  1. Avatar Deb Griffey on August 21, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    Enjoy your retirement from a job well done!

    • Avatar Lorraine Kirker on August 22, 2024 at 6:47 am

      Congratulations. Enjoy some well earned rest and rejuvenation.

  2. Avatar Connie SP on August 22, 2024 at 8:08 am

    Thanks for your leadership Paula. Taize Prayer will always be a great gift you have given to us. May you have a wonderful sabbatical year.

  3. Avatar Bill Hughes on August 22, 2024 at 9:31 am

    I have always appreciated the keen intelligence, organizational skills, kindness, and sense of humor you have brought to your ministries. You have been a blessing to the Providence Community! Enjoy this new stage of your life. Carry on!

  4. Avatar Will Hine on August 22, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    You have done an outstanding job and it has been my great pleasure to know you. I have benefited from our conversations and you have helped deepen my Faith. I am glad you will still be envolved at SP.
    Blessing and have a good break..

  5. Avatar Della Gunning, PA from Corpus Christi, TX on August 22, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    Always loved a visit with Sr. Paula – so loving, welcoming and engaged !!! And yes, brilliant ! Congratulations on the years spent at PSCC and on the next chapter.

  6. Avatar Mary Tomlinson on August 22, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    Paula. Congratulations on your retirement. But it sounds like you will be busy. Take as much time as you need before jumping right into a new ministry. Have a good visit with your family. Safe travels!! ❤️ Mary

  7. Avatar Susan Paweski, SP on August 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    Paula, what a well deserved celebration!! You have given your gifts and talents to the service to the Providence Community. Merci! Gracias! Thank you! ❤️

  8. Avatar Linda McMahon, PA on August 22, 2024 at 6:04 pm

    Congratulations on retirement. May your next steps on your journey be blessed and fulfilling ones.

  9. Avatar Donna J Watzke on August 23, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    Paula, I remember when you once told me that this would be your dream job! And what an awesome director you were! Thank you for enriching the vision for what our Spirituality Center has become. Blessings on your ‘retirement’.

  10. Avatar Jan SurberPA on August 23, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    Sister Paula, You were the first Sister to greet me when I became a Providence Associate. I always enjoyed your smile and humor. Go on peace on your retreat Thank for sharing your life with us. God Bless. Jan Surber PA

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