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But I want, like Peter, to be seized with astonishment at God’s actions in me, others, all creation.
Read moreSharing a statement from Archbishop Charles Thompson
Read moreA new grant will fund a fire suppression system for the Church of the Immaculate Conception, ensuring its preservation for generations to come.
Read moreWhile Sisters may no longer be on staff, their sponsorship remains strong. Through board leadership, classroom presence and ongoing support, we continue to shape the mission of the schools we founded.
Read morePlease let us know what you know
Read moreAs they fit their own pieces into the puzzle, they probably knew this puzzle of their puzzling son would never be finished
Read moreThe sale will take place from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Feb. 14-17.
Read more“The God of Providence carries the entire mystery of the divine, ever trustworthy, never failing. The God of Providence offers all the possibilities for ourselves and the world, including both what God wants to happen and what God is willing to let happen because God honors the gift of human freedom. The choices are ours — truly free, but ever grounded in the grace of God, the Holy Mystery of Providence, about which there is ever more to be discovered.” – Sister Ruth Eileen Dwyer