Welcome, alums!
We want to welcome you to our Alumni Association!

Since Saint Mother Theodore Guerin accepted her first student at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Academy in 1841, thousands of women and men have been taught by Sisters of Providence in elementary school, high school or college. Our Mission Advancement office will continue to serve the needs of all of you!
Alumni events
Some alumnae/i groups have regular reunions. We want you to feel free to share with us events planned across the United States for alumnae/i, and more often in order to keep all of you connected.
Upcoming events
Other event notes
- The Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove, Illinois, Class of 1970 is planning the celebration of its 50th Reunion (plus one or two) in 2025. If you would like to join the reunion planning committee, please contact Cami Pritchett, Constituent Engagement and Planned Giving Manager, at cpritchett@spsmw.org or (812) 535-2807.
- Mother Theodore Guerin, Class of ’76 If you are interested in helping to plan your 50 year reunion, please contact Beth Janowski Damascus at bjdamascus@aol.com

Getting in touch
Alumnae/i relations contact
Each alumnae/i association and a host of other schools have a page. Most associations have a volunteer alumnae/i coordinator, whose contact information will be listed on your page.
Most likely, these graduates will be able to answer your questions!
For other questions, contact Cami Pritchett, Constituent Engagement/Planned Giving Manager, who is heading the alumnae/i relations area of our department at this time. You may reach her at 812-535-2807 or email cpritchett@spsmw.org.
Associations for existing institutions
- If you attended and graduated from St. Rose School, Chelsea, Mass., be sure to keep their records up-to-date with the school’s alumni association.
- If you attended and graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College you should visit the college website for more information.
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