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Since the founding of the Congregation in 1840, the sisters have been educators in Catholic schools and parishes in the US and around the world. If you have been taught by one of the Sisters of Providence in a school which is not included on the class notes list, we would still very much like to hear from you! Please share your educational encounter with the sisters along with the name of the school. We are grateful for the opportunity to stay connected. You are in our prayers!
George Sisson
Class of 1960, St Andrew the Apostle, Indianapolis
Now living in San Antonio TX after 34 years in Middletown MD. 20 plus years as Army JAG on active duty followed by 16 years as civilian attorney with DOD. Ordained a permanent deacon in 2007. Taught by Sisters of Providence in grade school. Wonderful memories. Thank you.
(May 2024) -
William Mike Dowell
Class of 1977, Paul C. Schulte High School
William Michael Dowell, or “Mike” as he was known to friends and family, lifelong resident of Terre Haute, passed away at the age of 64 on Tuesday May 21, 2024.
(May 2024)
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