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Faces of our future: a new generation of Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence are blessed to have eight women in initial formation and temporary profession here in the United States. Statistically, the Sisters of Providence rank in the top 8% of religious communities across the US in the number of women entering religious life. We are thankful to have such fine women discerning life as a sister with this community of Providence.

You may already be familiar with these women. However, let me share with you what they are up to currently!

Sister Corbin Hannah

Sister Corbin Hannah, you may recall, was the lead story in the summer 2019 HOPE magazine. Sister Corbin is director of Outreach Ministry at the YMCA Safe Place Services day shelter in Louisville, Kentucky. Here she is able to make some amazing connections with homeless young adults. This past February Sister Corbin requested and was approved to begin her Tertian Year in preparation for professing her perpetual vows in the summer of 2020. Tertainship is a special 12+ month period of time for prayer, reflection on the vows and special service. It also includes a 30-day retreat.

Sister Arrianne Whittaker

Sister Arrianne Whittaker graduated from Marian University Medical School this past May. She is currently in residency at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Sister Arrianne lives in a local community in Indianapolis. We are delighted to have a doctor in the house!

Sister Joni Luna

Sister Joni Luna transitioned to a new ministry this fall. After serving several years is on the faculty at St. Patrick School in Terre Haute, Sister Joni joined Sisters Rita Wade and Barbara McClelland in their neighborhood ministry, Miracle Place, on the east side of Indianapolis. Miracle Place offers educational opportunities and cultural experiences for young and old, bringing neighbors together to celebrate a sense of community and the miracle of God’s presence. Sister Joni is a perfect fit!

Sister Tracey Horan

Sister Tracey Horan, who is fluent in Spanish, began a new ministry in mid-July with the KINO Border Initiative in Nogales, Arizona/Nogales, Mexico. This is a faith-based group founded by several Catholic organizations. Their vision is to help make humane, just and workable migration between the U.S. and Mexico a reality. At this time in history, the Sisters of Providence are very grateful to have a presence at the border in our Sister Tracey.

Sister Anna Fan

Sister Anna Fan entered the Sisters of Providence from Taiwan in November 2014. Sister Anna currently lives in Asia with a local community of Sisters of Providence and ministers as an administrative assistant in one of our local ministries. Sister Anna returned to the U.S. this past June to renew her vows at the Woods and to participate in our Annual Meeting.

Sister Emily TeKolste

Sister Emily TeKolste professed her first vows at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on Sunday, June 30. Sister Emily recently transitioned from teaching to ministry as a community organizer at NETWORK — a Catholic social justice lobby in Washington, D.C. Emily is living in a local community with two other Sisters of Providence in the D.C. area.

Sister Jessica Vitente

Sister Jessica Vitente was received into the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence on Saturday, Aug. 3. Sister Jessica is from California and first “discovered” the Sisters of Providence at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress where she visited our information booth and met Sister Editha Ben, our vocation director. Sister Jessica and her Novice Director Sister Janice Smith are living in St. Louis a large portion of this year with novices and their directors from other religious communities. They are participating in a special intercommunity novitiate program comprised of more than 20 communities of women and men religious from all over the world.

Please join us in praying for these women, and for other young women searching and discerning their call in life. Perhaps you know of someone who might be interested in learning more about life as a Sister of Providence. Please encourage them to attend our upcoming Come and See retreat weekend: ComeandSee.SistersofProvidence.com or to visit SistersofProvidence.org and get to know us.

(Originally published in the Fall 2019 issue of HOPE magazine.)

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Sister Jenny Howard

Sister Jenny Howard

Sister Jenny Howard is a general officer of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. Prior to her leadership role, Sister Jenny served as Vocations director for the Congregation.

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