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Sister Anna Fan hopes that as a novice, her “spiritual life can grow deeper and wider”.


Sister Anna Fan (right) receives her white SP cross from Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior. Sister Marsha Speth, postulant director, is to the left.

Editor’s note: Sister Anna (Tsai Ping) Fan entered her Canonical Novice year with the Sisters of Providence on Aug. 2. She requested of the Congregation, “I ask to be accepted into the Novitiate to deepen my formation into the charism of the Sisters of Providence, and grow deeper in my spiritual life so that I may effectively honor Divine Providence. And I ask, my dear Sisters, to continue to pray with me, guide me, support me and walk with me in this calling.” View a photo album of the event.

Sister Anna shares her reflections on her first year.

1.  How has your experience been so far, as a woman in formation with the Sisters of Providence?

Being here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods has been very good for me to have my Formation because the vocation for me is a gift and I am not young but the community gave me the opportunity to come as I am. The landscape of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is amazing and beautiful. My director didn’t give me too much pressure and she also helped me to adapt to the culture. After I read and reread about Mother Theodore and the Congregation I became more sure of my decision to be a Sister of Providence.

2.  Is it what you expected? If not, what’s been different?

I did not expect too much about my training. I just opened and prepared my mind and my heart to receive what the community offered me. In past generations the training was more serious, this community places more value and respect on personal development.

3.  What are you looking forward to, as a Novice?

As a Novice I hope that my spiritual life can grow deeper and wider. I hope to learn more about our foundress and our community spirituality. I want to know more of our sisters, their lives, vocations, and their ministries.

4.  Anything else that you’d like to share?

In Taiwan in Middle School we learned English in the classroom, but we didn’t speak it, it was only for tests. The Mandarin and English are different systems. It is hard to study. I know English, for me, is a challenge and I will work at it.

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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  1. Avatar Suzanne Murphy, PhD, RN on August 20, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    I met Sr. Anna a few weeks ago at the 50th Jubilee celebration for the Band of ’65. I was staying Marion Hall for a few days and had the pleasure of meeting her one evening in casual discussion. I remember how diligently she was studying her English. Congratulations to Sr. Anna and to the Congregation! I will pray that English gets easier, but remember, the Holy Spirit understands everything!

    Love to All,


  2. Avatar Bob Dillow on August 26, 2015 at 6:47 am

    I am sure Sister Anna will grasp the English language. I encourage her to watch American DVDs as that has been a great help in teaching conversational English to Taiwan students. Most are good at grammar & spelling but just lack the spoken English. I am sure the Holy Spirit & her fellow sisters will encourage her in this task. God be with her in her journey.

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