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HOPE Summer 2024 — Creating Hope

by Sister Corbin Hannah, SP
If breaking boundaries is removing the barriers to justice and the Kingdom of God on Earth, then creating hope is about building the relationships, conditions, and systems that make God’s Reign a visible and felt reality here and now. The hope our Providence Community strives to create is beyond wishful thinking.
It is beyond forced optimism that says “things will get better.” The hope we want to create is about facing the pain of the world and taking action to relieve suffering. Rather than wait for better times, we become the light in the darkness.
We become the comfort to discomfort and the empowerment in the presence of powerlessness. This hope is contagious. When others experience what is possible, they, too, begin to believe and trust that a more peaceful reality can and does exist. When we live within the Reign of God on Earth, creating hope means that we do what we can. We let go of attachment to specific outcomes and trust in a God that is unfolding, unconditional love.
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