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Sisters of Providence celebrate 2023 Senior Jubilarians
Nineteen Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, celebrated Senior Jubilees this year.
60-year Jubilarians
Sister Jeremy Gallet was born in Chicago. Currently, she is in between ministries and resides at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Jeremy entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1963, from Mary Seat of Wisdom Parish in Park Ridge, Ill. She professed perpetual vows on Sept. 29, 1973.
Sister Jeremy has a bachelor’s degree in music education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and also earned a master’s degree in education in urban education with a music minor from Indiana University. She also has a master’s degree in theology liturgy from the University of Notre Dame and a doctorate in theology and the arts from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Patrick School, Fort Wayne (1968-72),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Jasper (1972-76),
- Teacher, Costa Catholic High School, Galesburg, Ill. (1976-78),
- Director of Religious Education, Immaculate Heart School, Corpus Christi School and St. Patrick School, Galesburg, (1978-80),
- Part-time Teacher, Costa Catholic High School, Galesburg, (1978-81),
- Director of Liturgy, St. Martha Parish, Morton Grove, Ill., (1981-84),
- Diocesan Director of Liturgy, Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, (1984-90),
- Pastoral Associate, St. Augustine Parish, Oakland, Calif., (1992-96),
- Adjunct Faculty, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley, Calif. (1993-98),
- Director of Music, St. Barnabas Parish, Alameda, Calif. (1996-98),
- Director of the Office of Worship, Archdiocese of Portland, Ore. (1998-2014),
- Part-time Editor, Oregon Catholic Press, Portland, Ore. (1998-2014), and
- Director of Office of Worship, Diocese of San Bernardino, San Bernardino, Calif. (2015-22).
Sister Elizabeth Koressel, formerly Sister Mary Andrew, is a native of Elberfeld, Ind. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer in the Ministry of Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Elizabeth entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1963, from Corpus Christi Parish in Evansville, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1971.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in elementary education from Ball State University. In addition, she has a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Aquinas Institute of Theology.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Alexander School, Palos Heights, Ill. (1968-72),
- Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Evansville (1972-76),
- Teacher, Westside Catholic School, Evansville (1976-77),
- Teacher, Catholic Central School, New Albany, Ind. (1977-79),
- Teacher, St. Mary School, New Albany (1979-86),
- Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Evansville (1986-87),
- Teacher, St. Agnes School, Evansville (1987-89),
- Personal Growth Program, Wellsprings, Westmont, Ill. (1989-90),
- Pastoral Associate, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Fort Wayne (1990-95),
- Pastoral Associate, Precious Blood Parish, Jasper (1997-2016), and
- Administrator, Ministry of Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2016-18).

Sister Patricia McGlynn, formerly Sister Mary Philip, was born in Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer caregiver in the Chicago area.

Sister Patricia entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1963, from Immaculate Conception Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Nov. 24, 1973.
She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. John School, Newburgh (1968-76),
- Teacher, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Indianapolis (1976-82),
- Teacher, Immaculate Conception School, Chicago (1982-83),
- Teacher/Assistant Principal, Immaculate Conception School, Chicago (1983-87),
- Principal, St. Leonard School, Berwyn, Ill. (1987-89),
- Receptionist, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove, Ill. (1994-97),
- Director of Records, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove (1998-2007),
- Scheduler, Guerin College Preparatory High School, River Grove (2007-08),
- Educational Records Clerk, Guerin College Preparatory High School, River Grove (2008-13), and
- Academic Assistant, Guerin College Preparatory High School, River Grove (2013-14).
Sister Janice Ostrowski, formerly Sister Joachim, was born in Berwyn, Ill. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Gottleib Hospital in Melrose Park, Ill.
Sister Janice entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1963, from St. Barbara Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Nov. 10, 1973.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from National Catholic University. In addition, she has an associate’s degree in business management and information systems from Triton University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village School, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1967-68),
- Teacher, St. Genevieve School, Chicago (1968-74),
- Teacher, St. Angela School, Chicago (1974-76),
- Teacher, St. Jerome School, Chicago (1977-79),
- Teacher, St. Juliana School, Chicago (1979-2000),
- Computer Teacher/Data Processing, Providence Family Services, Chicago (2001-07),
- Attendance Office, Guerin College Preparatory High School, River Grove (2007-11),
- Library Supervision, Guerin College Preparatory High School, River Grove (2011-15), and
- Library Supervision/Student Technology Applications Support Specialist, Guerin College Preparatory High School, River Grove (2015-16).
Sister Denise Wilkinson, formerly Sister Jessica, was born in Evergreen Park, Ill. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Denise entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1963, from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 25, 1973.
She has a bachelor’s degree in English from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in Counseling from St. Louis University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, Costa High School, Galesburg (1968-71),
- Teacher, John F. Kennedy High School, St. Louis (1973-74),
- Assistant Dean of Resident, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1974-75),
- Dean of Residency, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1975-79),
- Director, Pilot House, Our Lady of Hope Parish, Rosemont, Ill. (1979-80),
- Director, Pilot House, St. Cornelius Parish, Chicago (1980-82),
- Chicago Liaison-Development Officer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1980-82),
- Vice President of Student Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1982-89),
- Preparation for Formation Ministry, Aquinas Institute, St. Louis (1989-90),
- Preparation for Formation Ministry, Wellspring House, Gloucester, Mass. (1990),
- Preparation for Formation Ministry, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1991),
- Formation Director/Volunteer Hispanic Education Center, Indianapolis (1991-93),
- Director of Formation, Maternity BVM Convent, Chicago (1993-96),
- Director, Office of Congregational Advancement, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1996-2001),
- Vicar/General Councilor, Sisters of Providence (2001-06),
- General Superior, Sisters of Providence (2006-16), and
- Donor Relations Associate, Mission Advancement Office, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2017-19).
70-year Jubilarians
Sister Teresa Costello, formerly Sister Ellen Maureen, was born in Galway County, Ireland. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Teresa entered the Congregation on July 22, 1953, from St. Peter Parish in Dorchester, Mass. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1961.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University. In addition, she has a master’s degree in pastoral counseling from Emmanuel College and a doctor of ministry degree in spirituality from the Graduate Theology Foundation through Donaldson University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Genevieve School, Chicago (1956-59),
- Teacher, Immaculate Conception School, Norwood Park, Ill. (1959-65),
- Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Malden, Mass. (1965-66),
- Teacher, St. Rose School, Chelsea, Mass. (1966-69),
- Teacher, St. Patrick School, Stoneham, Mass. (1969-73),
- Teacher, Rochester Catholic School, Rochester, N.H. (1973-74),
- Teacher, Mother of Mankind School, Portsmouth, N.H. (1975-78),
- Pastoral Counseling, Emmanuel College (1978-79),
- Director of Ministry: Divorced, Separated, Remarried Catholics, Catholic Family Services, Diocese of Norwich, Conn. (1980-83),
- Coordinator of Tenant Services, Symphony Towers, Boston (1983-92),
- Coordinator, Providence Self-Sufficiency Ministries, West Terre Haute (1995-96),
- Child Care/Receptionist, Providence Self-Sufficiency Ministries, West Terre Haute (1996),
- Teacher of Life Enrichment for Alzheimer’s, 9-3 Adult Day Care Service, Inc., Bradenton, Fla. (1996-97),
- Home Health Aide, Just Like Family, Venice, Fla. (1997),
- Director of Reading, Project Light of Manatee, Inc., Bradenton (1997-2001),
- Director, Project Light of Manatee, Inc., Bradenton (2001),
- Director, Providencia Academia de Ingles, Bradenton (2001-05),
- Citizenship Teacher/Visitor to Elderly, Weymouth, Mass. (2005-13), and
- Volunteer, Senior Center, Malden (2013-14).

Sister Mary Catherine Duffy, formerly Sister Marie Michele, was born in Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as a document translator for the immigration office for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis as well as a volunteer at the St. Vincent de Paul Food Center in Indianapolis.
Sister Mary Catherine entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1953, from St. Philip Neri Parish in Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1960.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in special education from Indiana State University. In addition, she received an honorable doctorate in humanities from the University of Indianapolis.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Athanasius School, Evanston (1955-56),
- Teacher, Our Lady of Mercy School, Chicago (1956-58),
- Teacher, St. Sylvester School, Chicago (1958-61),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Hawthorne, Calif. (1961-64),
- Teacher/Principal, Colegio San Jose, Arequipa, Country of Peru (1964-69),
- Principal, Colegio San Jose, Arequipa, Country of Peru (1971-75),
- Archdiocese Hispanic Apostolate, St. Mary Parish, Indianapolis (1975-78),
- Second Councilor/Director of Christian Development, St. Gabriel Province House, Indianapolis (1978-82),
- Provincial Councilor, St. Gabriel Province House, Indianapolis (1982-86),
- Teacher, St. Matthew School, Indianapolis (1986-87),
- Hispanic Wholistic Education Center, St. Mary Parish, Indianapolis (1987-88),
- Executive Director, Hispanic Education Center, Indianapolis (1988-97),
- Executive Director, Hispanic Education Center, Indianapolis (1998-2004),
- Immigration Assistance, Marian Center, Indianapolis (2004-14),
- Volunteer Consultant for Immigration Affairs, Archdiocese of Indianapolis (2015-16), and
- Document Translator for Immigration Office, Archdiocese of Indianapolis (2016-21).
Sister Jane Gibson, formerly Sister Dorothy Jane, was born in Louisville. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Jane entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1953, from Sacred Heart Parish, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1960.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana State University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Agnes School, Chicago (1955-59),
- Teacher, St. Simon School, Washington, Ind. (1959-60),
- Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Whiting, Ind. (1960-63),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Hawthorne, Calif. (1963-66),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Jasper (1966-71),
- Teacher, St. Mark School, Chicago (1971-72),
- Intermediate, Holy Cross School, Indianapolis (1972-74),
- Housekeeper Catholic Parish, Cathedral, Indianapolis (1974-77),
- Clinical Pastoral Education, Riverside Hospital, Columbus, Ohio (1977-78),
- Pastoral Minister, Resurrection Parish, Evansville (1978-79),
- Attendance Records/Bookstore, Cathedral High School, Indianapolis (1979-80),
- Neighborhood Worker, Metropolitan Association of Community Organization, Indianapolis (1980-81),
- Associate Director, Riley Area Revitalization Program, Indianapolis (1981-90),
- Outreach Worker, Riley Area Revitalization Program, Indianapolis (1990-92),
- Care Giver, Home Health Care Services, Indianapolis (1994-2008),
- Volunteer, St. Rita’s Parish, Indianapolis (2008-10), and
- Volunteer, Helping Hands, West Terre Haute (2010-15).
Sister Carolyn Glynn, formerly Sister John Michael, was born in Malden, Mass. Currently, she ministers as a driver at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Carolyn entered the Congregation on July 22, 1953, from Sacred Heart Parish in Malden. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1961.
She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in addition to a master’s degree in education from DePaul University. In addition, she has a doctor of ministry degree in ministry from the Graduate Theology Foundation.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Mel School, Chicago (1956-58),
- Teacher, St. Anthony School, Indianapolis (1958-61),
- Teacher, St. Therese School, Alhambra, Calif. (1961-64),
- Teacher/CCD Coordinator, St. Rose School, Chelsea, Mass. (1964-68),
- Teacher, St. Patrick School, Stoneham, Mass. (1968-69),
- Teacher/Religious Education Coordinator, St. Genevieve School, Chicago (1969-71),
- Teacher, St. Athanasius School, Evanston, Ill. (1971-74),
- Teacher, St. Gregory School, Chicago (1974-77),
- Teacher, Good Shepherd School, Pacifica, Calif. (1977-78),
- Director of Religious Education, St. Mary Parish, Riverside, Ill. (1980-87),
- Consultant Religious Education and Spirituality, Chicago (1987-92),
- Director of Religious Education, St. Joseph Parish, Bradenton (1992-99),
- Literacy Instructor, Project Light of Manatee, Inc., Bradenton (2000-01),
- Instructor, Providencia Academia De Ingles, Bradenton (2001-05),
- Immigration Instructor, Catholic Charities, Bradenton (2005-11),
- Citizenship Instructor for Catholic Charities, Bradenton (2011-16), and
- Volunteer, Feeding Empty Little Tummies, Bradenton (2016-21).
Sister Marilyn Ann Kofler was born in Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a social justice advocate for the Archdiocese of Chicago.

Sister Marilyn Ann entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1953, from St. Andrew Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1960.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in education administration supervision from the University of Illinois. In addition, she also has a master’s degree in pastoral theology from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and a doctor of ministry degree in theology from the University of St. Mary of the Lake.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Therese School, Wilson, N.C. (1955-56),
- Teacher, St. John School, Robstown, Texas (1956-57),
- Teacher, Cathedral High School, Fort Wayne (1957-59),
- Teacher, St. Malachy School, Brownsburg (1959-61),
- Teacher, St. Alexander School, Palos Heights, Ill. (1961-66),
- Teacher, St. Athanasius School, Evanston, Ill. (1966-67),
- Teacher/Principal, St. David School, Chicago (1967-69),
- Principal, St. David School, Chicago (1969-71),
- Teacher, St. Vincent Ferrer School, River Forest, Ill. (1971-74),
- Elementary Consultant, Department of Religious Education, Archdiocese School Office, Chicago (1971-79),
- Teacher, St. John School, Bellwood, Ill. (1979),
- Associate Pastor, Church of the Holy Spirit, Schaumburg, Ill. (1979-86),
- Associate Pastor/Deanery II Ministry Commission, Church of the Holy Spirit, Schaumburg (1986-92),
- Deanery II Ministry Commission, Schaumburg (1992-93),
- Director, Office of Mission Development, Generalate Offices, Chicago (1993-96),
- Project Manager, Officer of Research and Planning, Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center, Chicago (1996-98),
- Executive Assistant to Planning and Implementation Team in Department of Education, Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center, Chicago (1999),
- Executive Assistant in Department of Education, Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center, Chicago (1999-2000),
- Executive Assistant for Department of Evangelization and Catechesis, Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center, Chicago (2000-02),
- Executive Assistant for Department of Evangelization and Catechesis and Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center, Chicago (2002-07),
- Consultant for Immigration Affairs/Resource Teacher, Archdiocese of Chicago and St. Juliana School, Chicago (2008-11),
- Volunteer/Consultant for Immigration Affairs/Project Manager, Archdiocese of Chicago, Chicago, and University of St. Mary-of-the-Lake, Mundelein, Ill. (2011-13),
- Volunteer Consultant for Immigration Affairs/Volunteer Resource Teacher, Archdiocese of Chicago and St. Juliana School, Chicago (2013-14), and
- Volunteer Consultant for Immigration Affairs, Archdiocese of Chicago (2014-18).
Sister Jeanette Marie Lucinio was born in Evanston, Ill. Currently, she ministers in residential services and health care ministries at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Jeanette Marie entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1953, from St. Francis Xavier Parish in Wilmette, Ill. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1960.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in religious studies from Mundelein University. In addition, she has a master’s of divinity from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and a doctor of ministry degree from Chicago Theological Seminary.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Paul School, Sellersburg, Ind. (1955-56),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Galesburg, Ill. (1956-59),
- Teacher, St. James the Greater School, Indianapolis (1959-60),
- Teacher, St. Teresa of Avila, Los Angeles (1960-62),
- Teacher, St. Therese School, Alhambra, Calif. (1962-64),
- Teacher, St. Angela School, Chicago (1964-71),
- Teacher, St. Genevieve School, Chicago (1971-72),
- Sacramental Consultant, Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education, Chicago (1972-73),
- Teacher, St. Peter Canisius School, Chicago (1973-76),
- Teacher, St. Zachary Parish School, Des Plaines, Ill. (1976-77),
- Director of Religious Education/Instructor of Religious Education at CTU, St. Zachary Parish, Des Plaines (1977-82),
- DRE/Assistant Professor of Religious Education at CTU, Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Chicago (1983-85),
- Assistant Professor of Religious Education/Director of MA Pastoral Studies, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago (1985-93),
- Assistant Professor of Religious Education/Director of MA Pastoral Studies/Director of Field Education, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago (1993-97),
- Associate Professor of Religious Education/Director of MA Pastoral Studies/Director of Field Education, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago (1998-2002),
- Professor Emerita, CTU, RCIA, Sacred Heart Parish, Palos Heights, Ill. (2003-06),
- Director of the Office for Women Religious, Diocese of San Diego, San Diego (2007-17),
- Vocation Office Coordinator, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2017-20), and
- Volunteer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2020-22).
Sister Ann Paula Pohlman was born in Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Ann Paula entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1953, from St. Philip Neri Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1960.
She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in elementary education from Ball State University. In addition, she has a master’s in ministry degree in religious education specializing in spirituality from Seattle University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Polycarp School, Somerville, Mass. (1955-56),
- Teacher, Maternity BVM School, Chicago (1956-59),
- St. Mel-Holy Ghost School, Chicago (1959-60),
- Teacher, Lady Isle School, Portsmouth, N.H. (1960-66),
- Teacher, St. Charles School, Peru, Ind. (1966-68),
- Teacher, St. Catherine School, Indianapolis (1968-71),
- Teacher/Principal, St. Catherine School, Indianapolis (1971-74),
- Principal, South Central Catholic, Indianapolis (1974-76),
- Teacher, St. Mary School, Lafayette, Ind. (1976-78),
- Principal, St. Mary School, Lafayette (1978-83),
- Teacher, St. Charles Borromeo, Port Charlotte, Fla. (1983-90),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Bradenton (1990-92),
- Activities Coordinator, Sun Coast Manor, Bradenton (1994),
- Activity Director, The Oaks, Bradenton (1994-2001),
- Assistant Director of Fundraising, Project Light, Bradenton (2001),
- Director of Development, Project Light, Bradenton (2001-04),
- Volunteer, Catholic Charities, Desoto County, Florida (2005-06),
- Grant Writer, Providence Cristo Rey High School, Indianapolis (2006-08),
- Teacher, Catholic Charities, Bradenton (2008-09),
- Volunteer, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice (2009-11),
- Convent Service/Tutor, St. Joseph School, Bradenton (2012-14),
- Volunteer, One Step Homeless Center, Bradenton (2014-15),
- Activities Room Team, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2015-17), and
- Activities, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2017-2020).
75-year Jubilarians
Sister Laurette Bellamy was born in Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a parish volunteer at Saints Francis and Clare Parish in Greenwood.
Sister Laurette entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1948, from St. Mel Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1955.
She has a bachelor’s degree in music from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s in music from Catholic University of America. In addition, she has a doctorate in music theory from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, Ladywood High School, Indianapolis (1950-52),
- Teacher St. Joseph School, Jasper (1952),
- Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1952-53),
- Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1955-57),
- Teacher, Ladywood High School, Indianapolis (1957-64),
- Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1972-79),
- Professor, Chair of the Music Department, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1979-90),
- Professor of Music Area Coordinator, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1992-2003),
- WED Adjunct Faculty, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2003-06),
- Volunteer, St. Ann Clinic, Terre Haute (2005-11),
- MAMT Faculty, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2006-10),
- Volunteer, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Bloomington (2006-14),
- Nursing Home Visitor, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Bloomington (2013-14), and
- Volunteer, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Indianapolis (2015-16).

Sister Eileen Dede, formerly Sister Anita Therese, was born in Terre Haute. Currently, she ministers in prayer and as a visitor for residents at Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Eileen entered the Congregation on Jan. 7, 1948, from St. Ann Parish, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1955.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods as well as a master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, Cheverus School, Malden, Mass. (1950-51),
- Teacher, St. Patrick School, Indianapolis (1951-53),
- Teacher, St. Mark School, Chicago (1953-55),
- Teacher, St. Malachy School, Brownsburg (1955-57),
- Teacher, St. Genevieve School, Chicago (1957-58),
- Teacher, St. David School, Chicago (1958-59),
- Teacher, Holy Spirit School, Indianapolis (1959-65),
- Teacher, Immaculate Heart School, Indianapolis (1965-67),
- Principal/Teacher, St. John School, Vincennes (1967-71),
- Teacher, St. Luke School, Indianapolis (1971-73),
- Teacher, St. Thomas Aquinas, Indianapolis (1973-77),
- CPE, Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis (1977),
- CPE, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio (1977-78),
- Student Clinical Pastoral Education (NACC), St. Joseph Hospital, South Bend (1978-79),
- Chaplain, Mercy Hospital, San Diego, Calif. (1979-80),
- Chaplain, Daniel Freeman Hospital, Inglewood, Calif. (1980-83),
- Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Terre Haute (1983-84),
- Director of Pastoral Care, Health Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1984-90),
- Assistant Pastoral Associate, Health Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1990-91),
- Substitute Teaching, St. Anthony Homecare, Diocese of St. Petersburg, Fla. (1993-94),
- Teacher, St. Joseph Catholic School, Bradenton (1994-97),
- Tutor/Permanent Substitute Teacher, Bradenton (1997-2000),
- Religious Education, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Dunedin, Fla. (2001-03),
- Assisting Elderly/Substitute Teacher for Religious Education, Diocese of St. Petersburg (2003-04),
- Ministry to the Elderly, Diocese of St. Petersburg (2004-06),
- Volunteer, St. Vincent de Paul, Clearwater, Fla. (2006-10),
- Volunteer, Eucharistic Minister, St. Francis Hospital, Indianapolis (2011-13),
- Nursing Home Volunteer, Indianapolis (2013-14),
- Volunteer, St. Francis Hospital, Indianapolis (2014-16), and
- Volunteer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2017-18).
Sister Jane Michael Dwyer was born in Arlington, Mass. Currently, she ministers in residential services and as a visitor to residents at Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Jane Michael entered the Congregation on July 22, 1948, from Our Lady of Grace Parish in Everett, Mass. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1956.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and a master’s degree in education from Rivier University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Leo School, Chicago (1951-55),
- Teacher, St. Margaret Mary School, Terre Haute (1956-57),
- Teacher, St. Sylvester School, Chicago (1957-60),
- Teacher, St. Patrick School, Stoneham, Mass. (1960-65),
- Teacher, St. Ann School, Washington, D.C. (1965-67),
- Teacher/Assistant Principal, St. Patrick School, Fayetteville, N.C. (1967-70),
- Principal, Holy Redeemer School, College Park, Md. (1970-76),
- Teacher, St. Rose High School, Chelsea, Mass. (1976-79),
- Teacher, St. Polycarp, Somerville, Mass. (1979-84),
- Principal, St. Rose High School, Chelsea (1984-87),
- Secretary, Cheverus School, Malden (1987-88),
- Teacher, Lady Isle School, Portsmouth, N.H. (1989-93),
- Area Assistant/Holistic Health Care/Administrator, St. Joseph Convent, Quincy, Mass. (1993-95),
- Teacher, St. Rose School, Chelsea (1995-2010),
- Convent Service/Advisory Board, Wakefield Convent, St. Rose School, Chelsea (2010-14), and
- Secretarial Volunteer, St. Rose School, Chelsea (2014-17).
Sister Dorothy Gartland, formerly Sister Margaret Eugene, was born in St. Joseph, Mo. Currently, she ministers in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Dorothy entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1948, from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1955.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Ann School, Washington, D.C. (1950-53),
- Teacher, Immaculate Conception School, Chicago (1953-55),
- Teacher, St. Leo School, Chicago (1955-57),
- Teacher, St. Malachy School, Brownsburg (1957-59),
- Teacher/Principal, Assumption School, Evansville (1959-63),
- Teacher/Principal, St. Joseph School, Hammond (1963-69),
- Teacher, St. Mel School, Chicago (1969-74),
- Social Concerns Director, 8th Day Center for Peace and Justice, Chicago (1974-76),
- Social Justice Minister, 8th Day Center for Peace and Justice, Chicago (1976-86),
- Teacher, Maternity BVM School, Chicago (1987-2007),
- Work on behalf of Disappeared of Guatemala, Chicago (1987-90),
- Guatemalan Solidarity Group: “FINDING,” Chicago (1990-97),
- Youth Services Coordinator, PFS, Maternity BVM School, Chicago (1997-2007),
- Volunteer, After School Homework Program, Providence Family Services, Chicago (2007-13), and
- Volunteer, After School Homework Program/Interfaith Post-Detention Accompaniment Network, Chicago (2013-18).
Sister James Michael Kesterson was born in Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers in the archives department of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and Anna’s House, also in Indianapolis.
Sister James Michael entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1948, from St. Roch Parish in Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1955.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Hammond (1950-52),
- Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Malden (1952-54),
- Teacher, St. Andrew School, Indianapolis (1954-55),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Galesburg (1955-57),
- Teacher, St. Athanasius School, Evanston (1957-58),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Downers Grove, Ill. (1958-61),
- Teacher, St. Ann School, Terre Haute (1961-65),
- Teacher, St. Andrew School, Indianapolis (1965-68),
- Teacher/Principal, Our Lady of the Greenwood School, Greenwood (1968-78),
- Principal, St. Jude School, Indianapolis (1978-2010),
- Religious Education Teacher, St. Anthony’s Parish, Indianapolis (2010-14), and
- Religious Education Teacher, Holy Spirit Parish, Geist, Ind. (2014-2020).
Sister Grace Marie Meehan was born in Chicago. Currently, she is in between ministries and resides at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Grace Marie entered the Congregation on Jan. 7, 1948, from St. Andrew Parish in Chicago. He professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1955.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as well as a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University. In addition, she has an associate’s degree in nursing from Eastern Community College in Illinois.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Agnes School, Indianapolis (1950-51),
- Teacher, Immaculata Conception School, Tulsa, Okla. (1951-53),
- Teacher, St. Mary School, Aurora, Ill. (1953-55),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Hawthorne, Calif. (1955-59),
- Teacher/Principal, Our Lady of the Greenwood School, Greenwood (1959-68),
- Teacher, St. Mary School, Richmond, Ind. (1968-69),
- Teacher/Principal, St. Michael School, Greenfield, Ind. (1969-72),
- Corporate Renewal Team, Sisters of Providence (1972-76),
- Assistant Administrator of the Providence Infirmary, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1976-81),
- Health Care Services/Registered Nurse, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1983-84),
- Staff Nurse, Carroll Manor, Hyattsville, Md. (1984-85),
- Charge Nurse, Carroll Manor, Hyattsville, Md. (1985-86),
- Registered Nurse/Charge Nurse, St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, Ill. (1986-2005),
- Area Assistant, Holistic Health Care, Coordinator of Volunteers, St. Francis Hospital, Chicago and Evanston (2005-16),
- Volunteer, Alexian Brothers Hospital, Elk Grove, Ill. (2017-19), and
- Parish Volunteer, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Albuquerque, N.M. (2020-22).
Sister Joan Mary Schaefer was born in Cicero, Ill. Currently, she ministers in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Joan Mary entered the Congregation on July 22, 1948, from Mary Queen of Heaven Parish in Cicero. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1956.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and a master’s degree in education from Ball State University.
Her ministries include:
- Teacher, St. Patrick School, Stoneham, Mass. (1951),
- Teacher, St. Ann School, New Castle (1951-53),
- Teacher, St. John the Baptist School, Fort Wayne (1953-54),
- Teacher, St. Mary School, Richmond, Ind. (1954-55),
- Teacher, St. John School, Indianapolis (1956-59),
- Teacher, St. Genevieve School, Chicago (1959-60),
- Teacher, St. Mary School, Lafayette, Ind. (1960-65),
- Teacher/Principal, All Saints School, Hammond, Ind. (1965-66),
- Teacher, St. Joseph School, Hammond (1966-67),
- Teacher, St. Peter School, Linton (1967-68),
- Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows School, Chicago (1968-69),
- Principal, Our Lady of Providence School, St. Louis (1969-75),
- Principal, Immaculate Conception School, Chicago (1975-89),
- Teacher, St. Francis Borgia School, Chicago (1990-92),
- Teacher, Providence-St. Mel School, Chicago (1992-98),
- Substitute Teacher, Chicago area (1998-2008),
- Substitute Teacher/Home School Teacher, Chicago area (2008-15), and
- Substitute Teacher/Convent Service, Chicago and River Grove, Ill. (2015-17).
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.