From us to you: Blessings to you for giving
Last year was difficult for many families and loved ones. Words cannot express how grateful we are, for those of you who faithfully supported us in whatever ways that you could. 1 Peter 1:22 encourages us to “… have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply from the heart,” and we have felt your love deeply this past year.

Thank you for your support of the Sisters of Providence. Your financial support, volunteer hours and prayers ensure that we can continue the mission and ministries of the SPs. Collectively, you sent in 8,028 gifts in 2020 and we thank you for each and every one!
Your thoughtful gifts have helped us:
- Increase our retirement fund for the support and care of aging sisters in their residences or in health care facilities.
- Provide resources for our new sisters. We have six women in initial formation and your donations provided education and spiritual enrichment for these women as they grow in their faith and spread the Gospel message, continuing Saint Mother Theodore’s legacy.
- Build relationships with women who are considering becoming new sisters. We offered the following events virtually: Taizé prayer, three Come and Zoom gatherings, the True Cost: stories of Human Trafficking, an Advent Retreat, a podcast for the Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association (CAVA) Dare to Love, and a discernment prayer group. Vocation Director Sister Joni says, “We offer opportunities to build relationships with women and trust that those who are supposed to come [to the SPs], will find their way.”
- Nourish relationships with 290 Providence Associates and begin the journey with 23 new Candidates. These lay men and women take Love, Mercy and Justice into their neighborhoods and workplaces.
- Support the sisters’ varied ministries, serving the underserved and those without voices.
- Serve more than 1,100 people through virtual programs, retreats and workshops, many of whom have not been able to travel to the Woods in past years.
- Minister to people through Spiritual Direction relationships.
- Keep the flame of hope alive with the Light a Candle prayer ministry.
- Switch to a customer-friendly web platform, enabling Linden Leaf Gifts to continue offering inspirational gifts and unique Saint Mother Theodore items.
- Open an online presence for White Violet Center Farm Store’s fresh produce, locally made products and flowers, allowing for safe, contactless pickup.
- Expand the Farm Store’s community presence at the Terre Haute Farmer’s Market.
- Offer outdoor tours of White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, while following safety guidelines, so others can experience the Woods’ serenity and beauty.
- Build our intern program at White Violet Center to assist with the garden, alpacas and fiber program.
Since the time of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, each Sister of Providence is encouraged to pray each day for our friends and benefactors. We pray that 2021 is a brighter, healthier year for you and your loved ones. We ask that you continue to share your needs with us. Together we will weather the storm and grow closer to God by “having sincere love for each other and loving one another deeply from the heart,” as the Apostle Peter encourages us.
Blessings in the new year!