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Lifting each other up with Sister Marie Grace Molloy

By Amy Miranda | October 19, 2024 |

In this short video, Sister Marie Grace Molloy shares about ways the Sisters of Providence and our supporters lift each other up.

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Sister Noralee Keefe on replacing Willy

By Amy Miranda | October 14, 2024 |

91-year-old Sister Noralee Keefe shares with you about her friend Willy the elevator.

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Sister Ann Casper shares about our elevator needs

By Amy Miranda | October 5, 2024 |

In this short video, Sister Ann Casper shares with you about our need for replaced and refurbished elevators for our elder Sisters of Providence.

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2022-23 Annual Report

By Sisters of Providence | August 8, 2024 |

“This is where YOU become part of the story of what creates hope. Your gift to us, in whatever form it comes — as financial supporter or partner in mission, a Providence Associate or volunteer, a co-worker or family member — means the world to us.”

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Honor your favorite Sister of Providence

By Sisters of Providence | September 25, 2023 |

It’s that time again. Children and teachers are returning to their schools and their classrooms. This time of year brings to mind some of our favorite teachers from our own…

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We are supported with so much love

By Sisters of Providence | September 25, 2023 |

During our yearly Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Evening, we offer a special thanks to all of you, our contributors. We would like to highlight here a few special supporters who were recognized this year.

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Touched by the Woods for a lifetime

By Mike Cassell | September 22, 2023 |

I know there’s something about Saint Mary-of-the-Woods that sets it apart from other places — it’s holy ground. It feels like home and it keeps drawing me back.

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St. Anne Shell Chapel needs restoration

By Amy Miranda | September 22, 2023 |

Water damage to the foundation has caused the walls to bow outward. If we do nothing neither the shells nor this historic building will last for future generations to admire.

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2021-22 Annual Report

By Sisters of Providence | May 15, 2023 |

Providence keeps sending blessing upon blessing. And those blessings have your names on them. Thank you. Whether or not we know the untold story of your generosity, we are grateful for your support and, most of all, for your love and friendship.

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Gifts to Foley Legacy Fund support the underserved, SP mission

By Sister Ann Casper | May 2, 2023 |

Funding for a second social worker was described as “a game changer for our community,” at Providence Cristo Rey High School (PCR) in Indianapolis, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Providence. “The money enables PCR to have social worker personnel available to provide staff, parents and students a better understanding of factors (cultural, societal, economic, familial, health) affecting a student’s performance and behavior, crucial understandings for the low-income students and families that we serve.”

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Gifts that keep on giving

By Cami Pritchett | May 2, 2023 |

Most importantly, she gave because she believes in the work of the sisters, past and present. Her gift allowed her the opportunity to be a part of that work and to honor two women whom she admires greatly.

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Legacy IRA Act Becomes Law

By Cami Pritchett | February 8, 2023 |

By allowing donors to use their IRAs to fund a gift annuity, this legislation provides those who have planned well for retirement with additional giving options.

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Here you will find stories about those together in mission with the Sisters of Providence who share the unique spirit and gift of Providence. These partners say “yes” to God’s action in their lives and sense that they are somehow co-creators with God in bringing about a loving, merciful and just world. They do this through prayer, education, service, advocacy and financial support in whatever circumstances of life they find themselves.

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