Stories about

White Violet Center for Eco-Justice

Fuqua Park evolves

By Sister Cathy Campbell | April 20, 2015 |

Sister Jean Fuqua’s decades-long task of revisioning the area around St. Joseph’s Lake at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and calling others forward to help has resulted in restoration of the habitat and a beautiful space for the sisters to enjoy.

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Sister Ruth Johnson: kinship with creation

By Cheryl Casselman | April 20, 2015 |

“We have forced the planet to supply all our needs and given nothing in return — thus alienating our very life source and now the earth cries out in pain. How can we abandon that cry?”

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Care of Earth attracts new members

By Diane Weidenbenner | April 20, 2015 |

The Sisters of Providence ministry educating toward care for creation at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice is attracting young women to joining the Congregation.

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Sustainability midst the bustle

By Amy Miranda | April 18, 2015 |

How does one fit living an ecologically friendly lifestyle into the busyness of life? For Providence Associates Jennifer and Duane Drake, it’s about being gentle with themselves in the process.

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Cherishing creation

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | April 18, 2015 |

“Our promise in this time is to be God’s loving care for all creation, to be one of the ways God sustains life. We desire to live in right relationship with our Earth and with all that dwells on Earth.”

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Finding balance with sustainability

By Lorrie Heber | April 18, 2015 |

But failing to assess the full cost and the real “good” is a prime source of environmental, social and economic degradation and has long-term consequences for the viability of life on Earth. Finding balance with an eye to the long-term when weighing environmental, social and economic factors is at the very heart of achieving sustainability.

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Sisters of Providence Land Ethic

By Sisters of Providence | April 18, 2015 |

We hope this portion of the Sisters of Providence land ethic offers you ideas for creating your own guiding principals for living in harmony with creation.

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My secret life …

By Tom Balduf | April 17, 2015 |

Tom Balduf enjoys his time volunteering with the Sisters of Providence. Especially working in the Reflection Garden and spending time with the alpacas.

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Poetry: A tree in winter

By Sister Donna Butler | February 22, 2015 |

In the wintertime of my soul
barren branches stand stark
clothed in heaviness of ice
bestowed by winter night storm.

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A living Land Ethic

By Sister Tracey Horan | October 22, 2014 |

True confessions of a former White Violet Center intern: staff meetings were sometimes a chance to daydream … but when we met to hear more about the Sisters of Providence Land Ethic I quickly found that this would not be that kind of staff meeting. This was big.

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Lessons from an Ant

By Sister Carol Nolan | September 24, 2014 |

Surely, as becomes increasingly clear, if everything in the universe emerged from one burst of energy, our connectedness is truly radical.

The ants and the elephants, the trees and the mountains, the first person stepping off the Mayflower and the latest undocumented immigrant: we are all intrinsically part of one another.

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Sister Ann Sullivan celebrates golden jubilee

By Cheryl Casselman | July 16, 2014 |

Sister Ann Sullivan, founding director of White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, was one of 10 Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods who recently celebrated their 50th anniversary as members of the Congregation.

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Teaching, caring, inspiring for all creation. A ministry of the Sisters of Providence, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana was established in 1996. Here you’ll find a herd of alpacas, a flock of laying chickens, a 5-acre USDA certified organic garden, orchards, bee hives, a Farm Store, nature trail and internship opportunities.

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