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Sister Tracey Horan

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Content written by Sister Tracey
Oración para pedir la guía del Señor
Read in English Amado mío, Tú que me acompañas en el camino,Haz que tu presencia que es mi guíasantifique cada paso que doy. En los momentos en que me preocupo al pensar que mis dones tal vez no sean suficientes,recuérdame quehay diversidad de carismas,pero el Espíritu es el mismo,hay diversidad de servicios,pero el Señor es…
Border Stories: Opening the Door to the Kingdom God Wants
This week, we celebrate National Migration Week around the theme, ‘Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees.’
Can I Stay Here Forever? The Answer is YES.
A voice rises up from within the trees:
Are you ready to give your whole life to me?
My eyes shine up at the trees
From under my visor.
They know my answer is yes.
Leaning into God
Beloved, be with all of us in our
leaning into something new
leaning with trust on one another
leaning in toward the light.
What is asylum?
t definition of asylum in the U.S. is based on the 1951 United Nations Convention on the Status of Refugees. It was created when countries came together in the wake of the Holocaust and committed that never again would they return people fleeing persecution to danger.
A journey to wider acceptance and love: Sister Tracey Horan and immigration
Like most stereotypes, my beliefs about immigrants most likely came from a combination of sources: messages I heard from the news, friends, and media that convinced me that immigrants were an inherent threat to my well-being.
Ministry at the border: belleza (beauty) of binationality
As I move into this new ministry of accompanying and learning from people on the move — people fleeing violence, seeking opportunity, working to keep their families together — I find some solace in the ways Creation shows us that division is a farce.
Celebrating 8th Day Center for Justice
I couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss that, as the drumbeat of white supremacy in the U.S. echoes louder and the inequality gap widens, this beacon of creative non-violent resistance is simultaneously dimming
Where Your Treasure Is
It was so strange to stand outside the place where Sonia was detained
Prayer for guidance
At times when the way ahead,
or even the next step,
seems unclear,
assure me that You know what is to come;
that You envision
a plan to prosper me and not to harm me,
to give me a future full of hope.
God’s call is finding a place where we can thrive and be our fullest selves
“When we talk about vocation, when we talk about a call, it’s not that God is asking us to fit into some box that doesn’t fit us. It’s about finding a place where we can really thrive and be our fullest selves.”
New energy, focus for justice
Before discerning a focus, sisters and associates gave input on their priorities. Six key justice issues emerged: environment, human trafficking, immigration and refugees, anti-racism, women’s issues and nonviolence. Still … there was a clear desire for focus.
Sister Tracey Horan is a Sister of Providence in formation. She professed first vows in 2017. She is a former intern at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence. She currently ministers as education coordinator at the Kino Border Initiative/Iniciativa Kino para la Frontera where she works with an education team to coordinate and host individuals and groups for immersions to the U.S./Mexico border in order to engage participants on the current reality of migration.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Tracey, view her sister profile page.