If you are home alone, resolve to take 20 minutes each day to sit in silence and breathe in Jesus and breathe out your concerns and worries
Read moreWe invite your support and encouragement by adding your name to this letter
Read moreGenerally the term advent denotes the introduction of something important. In Christian Religions the Season of Advent refers to the four weeks of preparation before Christmas. It marks the beginning…
Read moreThe tree is not completely altered; it has accommodated an uninvited situation. And, yes, that tree spoke to my heart. People can make changes and alter aspects of their lives because Creation is meant to survive if it is able to adapt to change.
Read more“This process not only gave me hope for the future, it renewed my spirit in being around an atmosphere where people love and have compassion for others.”
Read moreMaybe you too can walk away full of anticipation for a new day
Read more“But on a spiritual level, I was called to examine my own life in its entirety, my beliefs and practices, and my role with and for others in Creation. I had to grow in ways I never imagined I would. I had to explore ideas that hadn’t really entered my mind before as parts of our faith life.”
Read moreIn all the passages regarding judgment, only those who refuse to act are called to account. Challenges simply become opportunities to help God transform the world.
Read moreGratefulness will be the bedrock which will ground our connection to the God who is love
Read moreSince shopping for Christmas presents could be particularly challenging this year, think about gifting others with these blessings instead, at Christmas and throughout the year
Read moreThank you for the sacrifices of essential workers, front-liners, health care workers
Read moreListen to what God is calling you to do to build up His kin(g)dom here on earth.
Read more“The God of Providence carries the entire mystery of the divine, ever trustworthy, never failing. The God of Providence offers all the possibilities for ourselves and the world, including both what God wants to happen and what God is willing to let happen because God honors the gift of human freedom. The choices are ours — truly free, but ever grounded in the grace of God, the Holy Mystery of Providence, about which there is ever more to be discovered.” – Sister Ruth Eileen Dwyer