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A prayer of thanks on the day after Thanksgiving 2020

Provident God, your presence among us so real.

Thank you for the many random acts of kindness and compassion

— the surprise phone calls and notes to the sick, elderly and lonely

— the meals shared to the hungry.

Thank you for all the poll workers, the vote counters and volunteers.

Thank you for the sacrifices of essential workers, front-liners, health care workers.

Thank you for the scientists and researchers who are creating the effective COVID-19 vaccines.

A sense of hope that this divided country has a path to healing.

Your blessings are in abundance. We are grateful.


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Sister Editha Ben

Sister Editha Ben

Sister Editha Ben currently ministers in the Congregation's Mission Advancement Department.

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  1. Avatar Mary Tomlinson on November 27, 2020 at 10:50 am

    Lovely, Editha.
    May you be well. With love Mary

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