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Sister Editha Ben

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Content written by Sister Editha
God of unexpected gifts
God of Providence, you are a God of mystery and surprises.
Thank you for the times unexpected gifts have come my way:
Prayer for Peace and Healing
May we never remain complacent, frustrated and hopeless.
A prayer of thanks on the day after Thanksgiving 2020
Thank you for the sacrifices of essential workers, front-liners, health care workers
Sister Editha Ben: the blessings of sheltering in place in the Philippines
Now, because of covid-19, flights have been canceled, airports are locked down and quarantine is imposed. And so, I have remained in the Philippines with my mother longer than planned.
Women share why they are exploring life as a Sister of Providence
“I like their deep and beautiful understanding of God — how it connects them to others, the Earth and art. There is so much life and creativity flooding from the SPs and it resonates with my soul. I also love their social justice.”
We are so blessed to be able to share with others the joy we find in our lives as Sisters of Providence. Please keep in your prayers these women and all others who are exploring where God is leading them.
Meet a sister. Be inspired. National Catholic Sisters Week invite
So, in honor of National Catholic Sisters week, join us for a meal. Get to know us better. Tell others about the Sisters of Providence and the work we do to make the world a more just and loving place. Together with you, our friends and supporters, we can make this world a more hope-filled place.
Co-creating the future with God
Let us be more intentional in allowing Providence to actively engage in our lives. More present to how we are called to co-create in this time of distrust, cultural animosity, economic crisis and increasing violence.
A wonderful time to get to know the sisters of these Woods
It was fitting that our discernment weekend for women interested in knowing more about religious life was during the FEST. It energized me to have seven women who came from Georgia, California, Michigan, and Indiana to have closer interactions with sisters, especially our sisters in initial formation and our sisters who minister in new membership.
10 ways to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life!
The Sisters of Providence suggest 10 ways for you to participate in the Year of Consecrated Life, named by Pope Francis, beginning Nov. 30, 2014 to Feb. 2, 2016.
Sisters of Providence invited to Vietnamese New Year Mass
Sisters Editha Ben and Mary Beth Klingel are invited by Sister Anna Ho to a Vietnamese Lunar New Year Mass and celebration in Indianapolis on Feb. 15.
Simbang Gabi novena full of music and hospitality
Sister Editha Ben, vocation director for the Sisters of Providence, attends Simbang Gabi novena during Christmas holiday, and shares her experience.
The gift of vocation
There were over 300 who attended the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) Convocation in Plano, Texas. Of that number, I was one of the more than 100 first timers! Participants came as far as Guam, Canada and Ireland. The theme of the biennial convocation was: “Vocation Ministers as Ambassadors for Christ: A Reconciling Presence.” At…
Sister Editha Ben currently ministers in the Congregation's Mission Advancement Department.