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Sister Mary Moloney

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Content written by Sister Mary
Prayer for People of Maui
May the spirit of hospitality and aloha which characterizes the Hawaiian people spread to those who come offering help
Gospel reflection
Sunday, January 30, 2022: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
God can place gifts in our open, receptive hands.
Gospel reflection
Sunday, January 23, 2022: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
You and Jesus may have a wonderful time laughing together.
Gospel reflection
Sunday, January 16, 2022: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Be alert today to questions people ask you, to needs you see or hear about.
Gospel reflection
Sunday, January 9, 2022: The Baptism of the Lord
In those moments the Voice declares, “This is my beloved, hear him.”
Gospel reflection
Sunday, January 2, 2022: Epiphany of our Lord
Focus this week on the star, the one thing necessary: “Thy will be done.”
Welcoming the Spring Equinox
As we celebrate Spring Equinox and begin spring gardening chores, we may want to think of gardening as prayer.
Gospel reflection
December 27, 2020: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
This is Holy Family Sunday. Write a short, one sentence prayer that you can repeat to yourself over and over again in the midst of family activities, when you leave your family and when come back to them.
Gospel reflection
December 20, 2020: Fourth Sunday of Advent
If you are home alone, resolve to take 20 minutes each day to sit in silence and breathe in Jesus and breathe out your concerns and worries
Gospel reflection
December 13, 2020: Third Sunday of Advent
Maybe you too can walk away full of anticipation for a new day
Gospel reflection
Sunday, December 6, 2020: Second Sunday of Advent
Gratefulness will be the bedrock which will ground our connection to the God who is love
Sister Mary Moloney, a sister of Providence since 1960, grew up in Chicago. Sister Mary taught math and science and also was campus minister at Indiana University. She recently moved to the motherhouse in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods after thirty years of ministry in Oklahoma.