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Theological shifts with Second Vatican Council

By Sister Alexa Suelzer | January 7, 2013 |

Vatican II has not answered all questions, but it has provided an agenda for future theological development.

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My most challenging and most transformative years

By Sister Bernice Kuper | January 7, 2013 |

When the Second Vatican Council opened in 1962 I had just been appointed Director of Novices for our Congregation. This meant that I had accepted the responsibility of passing on…

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The Joy of Vatican II

By Sisters of Providence | January 7, 2013 |

(originally published in the winter 2013 issue of HOPE magazine) By Peg Benson Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli might justifiably be accused of being impulsive. He announced his intention to convene the…

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The Epiphany of the Lord

By Paul Beel | January 6, 2013 |

When Jesus therefore was born in Bethlehem of Juda, in the days of king Herod, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, Saying: Where is he that…

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Raucous, garish and crowded displays of Christmas lights

By Sister Lisa Stallings | December 18, 2012 |

I LOVE Christmas lights! I admire and appreciate elegant, disciplined displays — a spotlight shining on the Christmas wreath, a string of white lights tracing tree trunks, a red bow…

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Several Sisters of Providence share their Christmas wishes

By Dave Cox | December 14, 2012 |

Sisters of Providence may not sit on Santa’s plush lap or bended knee, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a wish or two to share with you for the…

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Quiet expectation

By Sister Mary Beth Klingel | December 3, 2012 |

The season of Advent began yesterday. A period of time leading up to Christmas and parallel to the Lenten season preceding Easter, Advent is a time of hopeful waiting as…

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Always count your blessings …

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | November 25, 2012 |

Sometime after my mom retired, she “got into” ceramics. She and her friends went to classes taught by a woman in my mom’s neighborhood. For the most part, they applied…

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Black Friday CAN BE a Good Friday!

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | November 23, 2012 |

One would probably expect that a blog post coming from the Sisters of Providence with “Black Friday” in the title would condemn the blatant consumerism running rampant in our society.…

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The Fragility of Life

By Sister Regina Gallo | November 15, 2012 |

I attended the All Soul’s mass on November 2nd to remember a very close friend and one of our own SPs that recently died, Sister Jane Marie Osterholt. It was…

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We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe

By Sister Lisa Stallings | November 14, 2012 |

For many Christians, November is a time to focus on those who have gone before us. A number of denominations begin the month with the celebration of All Saints’ Day,…

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By Sister Mary Beth Klingel | October 30, 2012 |

This week is Halloween. Every store has been jamb-packed with get-ups of various kinds, to accommodate every desire. TV ads have appeared from time-to-time inviting us to haunting events in…

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“The God of Providence carries the entire mystery of the divine, ever trustworthy, never failing. The God of Providence offers all the possibilities for ourselves and the world, including both what God wants to happen and what God is willing to let happen because God honors the gift of human freedom. The choices are ours — truly free, but ever grounded in the grace of God, the Holy Mystery of Providence, about which there is ever more to be discovered.” – Sister Ruth Eileen Dwyer

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