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Sister Corbin Hannah
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Content written by Sister Corbin
For Sister Lucy Lechner, it’s the little things
Nature is Sister Lucy Lechner’s peaceful place where she communes with God. She marvels at the little things and enjoys the aliveness, music and dancing of life outdoors at the Woods.
Gospel reflection
September 24, 2023: Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Connect with your heart as your mind counts your blessings, feel gratitude for the gifts in your life
Gospel reflection
September 17, 2023: Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Forgiveness is a practice and a way of life
Gospel reflection
September 10, 2023: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pray for guidance and courage
Gospel reflection
September 3, 2023: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gather all your tools and supports to begin to face, accept and learn from this cross
Moving toward the Reign of God with mutual sharing
As disciples of Jesus, the Sisters of Providence endeavor to build a community that reflects these Gospel values. We follow Jesus’ example by communally organizing ourselves so that everyone receives what they need and contributes what they can.
Finding joy alongside life’s difficulties: Tending to Life retreat
Over the last few years, through Divine guidance, I have learned new approaches to life. I have picked up new practices that help me tend to my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life. The Tending to Life retreat was born from this journey. I hope to offer what I have learned with others, so that they too may find Life even in the midst of suffering.
Saying yes to poverty, chastity and obedience
I feel deeply that this vowed life is important. It is a witness to a different way of seeing and moving in the world. I am captured by the life and vision of Jesus.
What brings you joy?
Pay attention to those things that excite you, bring you joy, and that you never want to stop doing. Frederick Buechner said, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Some people call this your “vocation.” It is the person God is calling you to be in the world.
A welcoming and fun space to discern your call
This is what “Come and See” weekends with the Sisters of Providence have been for me. A supportive and relaxed environment where I could honestly discern my call to religious life. These weekends are opportunities to meet and talk with real sisters. A chance to spend time in prayer. They are a time to consider this life commitment with others like you.
Sophia: a poetic look at the feminine face of God
Can you hear her?
The gentle whisper,
She is calling you,
beyond what you know,
what you believe to be truth or reality.
Sister Hannah experiences “the grace of the vows”
“The grace of the vows” is a saying I have heard, and is what one sister reminded me of the day I professed the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. At the time I was not aware of the grace of the vows, but I knew of the grace in the journey. Almost seven years…
Sister Corbin has been a member of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods since 2009. She has a master’s degree in Social Work and is currently ministering at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.