Embrace this sacred season with hopefulness, with love. Find a way to work around conflict within your family and the world. Never forget that you are carrying the Christ within yourself. Your heart is the stable of life.
Read moreSo what is your gift? What can you lay down beside the manger? What would you give if you could give anything in the world?
Read moreLet us be more intentional in allowing Providence to actively engage in our lives. More present to how we are called to co-create in this time of distrust, cultural animosity, economic crisis and increasing violence.
Read moreThen I came upon a news story titled “Good Samaritan Rescues Mom at Airport.” This news story led me to the movie It’s A Wonderful Life featuring the angel Clarence Odbody. Those of us old enough to remember this film gained valuable life lessons by watching George Bailey struggling with doubt because of his lack of success in life.
Read more‘But it is through many years of praying the rosary daily, reflecting anew each morning on the Mysteries appropriate for that day, that I’ve gained some insight into how Mary served, and still serves, as Our Lady of Providence. Although most of the Mysteries have served that purpose, a few have been special sources of inspiration for me.’
Read moreTwenty-One Sisters Celebrated Senior Jubilees Tuesday, Dec. 8
Read moreThe Providence Advent calendar here begins with the first Sunday of Advent and uses quotes of Sisters of Providence (SP) and Providence Associates (PA) found on the SP website and in other PA and SP materials. May it help you enter into this season with reflections and actions for each day of Advent! You might want to keep an Advent journal to capture your reflections.
Read moreThis holiday season let’s look around us. Let’s open our hearts and look deeply into our world, into its heartbreak. Let’s look into the eyes of our loved ones and let them know we love them.
Read more“Conference of the Parties,” organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) will take place in Paris from Nov. 30-Dec. 11
Read moreIf you Google “thanksgiving day” as I did, be prepared for a wide variety of articles, Wikipedia entries and “further references.”
Read more“Every step of the process from orientation to meeting my companions to the year of study has affirmed that Providence, though unexpected and unbidden, is alive and well and welcome in my life. The Sisters of Providence are an amazing order of women religious. I have found camaraderie, companionship, compassion, laughter and wisdom in each one I have met. I want to be like them when I grow up.” Beth Weis, Chicago, Illinois. 26 new Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence made first commitments last Saturday. They share some of that journey here in their own words.
Read more“The God of Providence carries the entire mystery of the divine, ever trustworthy, never failing. The God of Providence offers all the possibilities for ourselves and the world, including both what God wants to happen and what God is willing to let happen because God honors the gift of human freedom. The choices are ours — truly free, but ever grounded in the grace of God, the Holy Mystery of Providence, about which there is ever more to be discovered.” – Sister Ruth Eileen Dwyer