Stories about

Providence Spirituality

Follow prayer with action

By Sister Paula Damiano | May 2, 2013 |

Today, the nation observes the National Day of Prayer, as it has for some 60 years. I like the idea of such a day and this year’s theme is “Hope.”…

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The Practice of Homemaking and Community Shaping

By Sisters of Providence | May 1, 2013 |

(Chapter from “Love, Mercy, Justice: A Book of Practices of the Sisters of Providence.”) Home is a word and an experience as ancient as civilization itself and as rich, meaning-filled,…

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Earth as home

By Cheryl Casselman | May 1, 2013 |

(This article was originally published in the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE.) If you spend any amount of time with a Sister of Providence or a group of sisters, you…

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At home in the Catholic Church with the SPs

By Amy Miranda | May 1, 2013 |

(This article originally published in the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE) The first time I went to Mass with the Sisters of Providence in the Church of the Immaculate Conception…

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Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: a place of welcome

By Dave Cox | May 1, 2013 |

(Reprinted from the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE) “It’s like experiencing a piece of happiness on Earth because of the beautiful grounds and the peaceful setting in nature. It is…

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Sisters reflect on coming home to the Woods

By Amy Miranda | April 30, 2013 |

(This article was originally printed in the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE.) “To me home is one’s rootedness. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is my rootedness as a Sister of Providence. When I…

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Gifts of relationship, friendship

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | April 10, 2013 |

Who knew that April has been designated by someone National Card and Letter Writing Month? Personally, I’m for it. I love to both receive and write letters and cards. This…

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How do you hear the Easter story this year?

By Sister Diane Mason | March 29, 2013 |

The Easter story is repeated every year! It is the same story but perhaps we hear it in a little different way than we did last year. Something within our…

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The Papal Conclave: March Madness & the Gift of the Holy Spirit

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | March 6, 2013 |

I love the annual NCAA College Basketball Tournament, affectionately marketed as “March Madness.” Like many fans I rip out the page from the newspaper that has the teams in their…

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2 1/2 minutes a day

By Sister Lisa Stallings | February 26, 2013 |

At a conference I attended in Arizona last week, the presenter noted that each day between Ash Wednesday and Easter, residents of the Northern Hemisphere experience about 2 1/2 additional…

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Be kind. It’s bumpy out there.

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | February 19, 2013 |

Evidently I had too much time on my hands while preparing to write about Random Acts of Kindness Day. I got to thinking: isn’t any act of kindness random —…

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Let’s go down to the river to pray … you could really benefit from this!

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | February 5, 2013 |

After the January Taizé prayer service at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, we learned that one of the participants made the following report to members of a committee on which he serves: “You…

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“The God of Providence carries the entire mystery of the divine, ever trustworthy, never failing. The God of Providence offers all the possibilities for ourselves and the world, including both what God wants to happen and what God is willing to let happen because God honors the gift of human freedom. The choices are ours — truly free, but ever grounded in the grace of God, the Holy Mystery of Providence, about which there is ever more to be discovered.” – Sister Ruth Eileen Dwyer

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