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The issues of land, air and water degradation weighed heavily on her, especially the effects that were becoming more problematic on our own Sisters of Providence land.
Read moreWe asked Providence Associates from around the country to tell us about an issue in “their own backyard” that they are passionate about. Here several Providence Associates share about a need and how they are responding.
Read moreOne suggestion is to take action by adding your voice to the many calling for an end to the death penalty. You can sign pledges or send letters to elected officials. You can join groups in your state or join the National Action Team.
Read moreSaving our planet. It sounds like a daunting task that only a superhero from a movie would undertake. Where would you even start and what can one person really do to help? The answer is simple. Do something. Do anything. Yes, it may seem overwhelming but the small changes you make really can add up.
Read morethe Political Engagement Team of the Climate Change Task Force would like to share the following suggestions gleaned from the Interfaith Power and Light website
Read moreWe all need a Polish grandpa. We all need the Christ Child.
Read moreThank you for investing in the future of the Sisters of Providence
Read moreIt is when I have done this kind of reflection and made life-giving decisions that I have allowed grief to be my teacher
Read moreBy our actions and in our speech, we proclaim that no one is beyond God’s love
Read moreMuch of the personal information I was able to find about Sister Eugene Marie came from a handwritten, undated document which may have been a commentary prepared after Sister Eugene Marie’s death.
Read moreThe International Human Rights Day Death Penalty Convocation will begin at noon at Hellmann Hall, St. Benedict Church
Read moreHer maturity was such that she was allowed to make an early profession of final vows
Read moreAs a community dedicated to advocating for the marginalized, we Sisters of Providence join our voices with others in speaking out about many peace and justice issues of great importance in our world. Learn more about justice concerns dear to our hearts here.