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Habit forming dialogue

By Sister Tracey Horan | November 24, 2015 |

“In light of recent acts of violence around the world and expressions of fear and intolerance in our own country, I find in this experience a small circle of light, a glimmer of hope. Among my peers, I found genuine concern, a desire for understanding, thoughtful questions, and an ability to embrace the gift of our diversity. I experienced in a small way the big potential that exists for men and women religious to model dialogue…”

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Sister Joni becomes who God created her to be as a Sister of Providence

By Jason Moon | November 3, 2015 |

“You enter community and spend three years learning who you are,” Sister Joni said. “The masks that we build start to peel away and you become the person God created you to be.” In her new ministry Sister Joni is reconnecting Saint Patrick School in Terre Haute with the Sisters of Providence, the order that founded the school in 1882.

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Connecting with the Sisters of Providence

By Jason Moon | November 3, 2015 | Comments Off on Connecting with the Sisters of Providence

Sister Joni Luna reflects on religious life

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A wonderful time to get to know the sisters of these Woods

By Sister Editha Ben | October 30, 2015 |

It was fitting that our discernment weekend for women interested in knowing more about religious life was during the FEST. It energized me to have seven women who came from Georgia, California, Michigan, and Indiana to have closer interactions with sisters, especially our sisters in initial formation and our sisters who minister in new membership.

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Foundation day through a young sister’s eyes

By Sister Tracey Horan | October 22, 2015 |

Sister Dina Bato, a woman in formation with the Sisters of Providence, shares what Foundation Day means to her. In Sister Dina’s words, “Mother Theodore brought all of who she was into this mission. That’s what we’re called to do.”

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Baking with Sister Ann Kevin O’Connor

By Cheryl Casselman | October 15, 2015 |

The novice rolls Sister Ann Kevin into the kitchen in her wheelchair and helps her put on an apron. Sister Ann Kevin goes straight to the recipe on the table and gets right to making suggestions about how to begin. It’s obvious she’s in her element. Sister Ann Kevin shares her wisdom, her life stories and her love of baking with Novice Sister Tracey Horan.

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Music lessons with Sister Regina Marie

By Cheryl Casselman | October 15, 2015 |

As a new Sister of Providence, Sister Joni saw how important music was to her sisters. She wanted to make sure she honored the rich history of music that dates back to Saint Mother Theodore’s time.

“I wanted to be able to join in the traditional songs and capture the passion the sisters have when they sing.”

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Running in the dark

By Sister Tracey Horan | October 5, 2015 |

Sister Tracey reflects on the experience of running in the dark and what it teaches her about community: “As silly as I knew my fear of the dark was…the knowledge of other bouncing lights was so hopeful to me in those pre-dawn moments.”

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Voice lessons in discernment

By Sister Tracey Horan | September 12, 2015 |

Our goal in letting go and re-learning how to breathe was to set the vocal chords free to do what they do best: express my natural, God-given voice. After just two voice lessons, I am amazed at how much the process of singing freely parallels and embodies the process of freeing the soul to discern. I invite you to explore these observations with me and how they might apply to your spiritual path at this place, in this time.

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Sharing their voice by ‘Giving Voice’

By Jason Moon | August 24, 2015 |

‘We’re breathing this new air’

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Sister Anna Fan hopes that as a novice, her “spiritual life can grow deeper and wider”.

By Sisters of Providence | August 20, 2015 |

Editor’s note: Sister Anna (Tsai Ping) Fan entered her Canonical Novice year with the Sisters of Providence on Aug. 2. She requested of the Congregation, “I ask to be accepted…

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Sister Tracey decides to “roll and trust the gravity of grace” as an SP novice

By Sister Tracey Horan | August 17, 2015 |

Sister Tracey Horan shares her experience as a postulant with the Sisters of Providence formation community.

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