Sister Josephine Paolinelli
Formerly Sister Louise Joseph
Sister Josephine was born on November 1, 1936 and died on November 17, 2020.

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Sister Josephine is a native of Chicago. Her final ministry was in health care in Northlake, Illinois.
Sister Josephine, formerly Sister Louise Joseph, entered the Congregation on February 2, 1956. She professed final vows on August 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also has a master’s degree in administration from the University of Notre Dame.
Here is her complete ministry
In Indiana: Teacher, St. Joseph, Jasper (1960-61); Teacher, St. Patrick, Indianapolis (1961-65).
In Illinois: Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, Chicago (1965-69); Teacher, St. Genevieve, Chicago (1969-70); Business Manager, Providence-St. Mel, Chicago (1970-71); Bookkeeper, Our Lady of Sorrows, Chicago (1971-75); Business Office Administrator, Sacred Heart of Mary, Rolling Meadows (1975-80); Provincial Treasurer, St. Joseph Province, Park Ridge (1980-89); Business Manager, Notre Dame High School for Girls, Chicago (1990-93); Director of Finances, Notre Dame High School for Girls, Chicago (1993-2007); Volunteer, Guerin College Prep High School, River Grove (2007-08); Volunteer, Gottlieb Hospital, Melrose Park (2010-2020).
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