‘Live Long and Prosper’
Sister Cynthia Lynge and ‘Star Trek’
“I was intrigued with outerspace. I was fascinated. I’d go to space right now if I could.”
Sister Cynthia Lynge, affectionately referred to as “Cinda,” grew up while our country was taking part in the space wars. None of that was lost to her.
She paid attention to what was going on and had a friendly weekly reminder of what space “could” be like.
Once a week as a child, she would sit down in front of the television and “boldly go” where no one had gone before.
“Space. The final frontier.”
Her infatuation with space drew her to “Star Trek.”
‘Star Trek’ was Amazing!

“Give me a good sci-fi movie anytime,” Sister Cinda admitted. “I love all of the Marvel and D.C. movies also. But ‘Star Trek’ was amazing with all of those special effects. And I loved that Uhura (who was portrayed by Nichelle Nichols) was on the show. Women didn’t have those kinds of jobs back then.”
The original series only ran three seasons on primetime television, but received a reboot in popularity while in syndication.
“I was the only one in my family who was crazy for ‘Star Trek,’” she lamented.
After the world bore witness to the film “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope,” “Star Trek” received an even bigger boost as movie production company Paramount took a chance by releasing the Gene Roddenberry-created show’s first feature film in 1979.
The franchise continued with the original cast into 1991 with “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.”
The franchise had already started a new television series, “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” which also included four feature films. Several other spinoff series followed on television and “Star Trek” received a makeover in 2009 with the J.J. Abrams-inspired reboots.
While the Bridgeport, Connecticut, native is infatuated with the franchise, it’s the original series that she enjoys the most.
“I love the original series, but I do like the Next Generation,” Sister Cinda said. “I watch the oldies, but goodies.”
A Vast Collection
During all of this time, Sister Cinda was ministering in various locations – including as a teacher in Indianapolis, at Providence Retirement Home in New Albany, Indiana, and as the Activity Director of Windsor House/Adult Day Health Care in Cambridge, Massachusetts – she always made time for her love of “Star Trek.”
She began collecting memorabilia from the franchise. From cups to T-shirts, socks, hologram pictures, Christmas ornaments, coloring books, books, magazines, DVDs and VHS tapes (she still has a functioning VHS player!), her collection has expanded throughout the years, including the original “Star Trek” board game.
She even has the show’s theme song as her phone ringtone!
“I find all of these items in stores and I have some friends who know about my obsession,” Sister Cinda said. “I love my Spock shirt and socks. When Leonard Nimoy and Nichelle Nichols died … oh.
“And it is hard to find old ‘Star Trek’ stuff right now.”
Throughout the years, Sister Cinda has also had the opportunity to see Nimoy and William Shatner, who portrayed Captain James T. Kirk in the show, at “Star Trek” comic con events, one of which was in Boston.
In addition, while with a friend on a trip to Las Vegas, Sister Cinda had the chance to visit the Hilton Hotel, where there was a “Star Trek” museum and restaurant. She didn’t get to eat at the restaurant because it was closed, but did visit the museum, which no longer exists.
While her fascination with all things space and especially the television show “Star Trek,” is only a part of Sister Cinda, it is a large part.
“This is me,” Sister Cinda said. “This is all valuable to me. ‘Beam me up, Scotty!’”

Oh my goodness, my son-in-law is a Trekkie! He would admire your collection, and he has a pretty good collection himself. And he and my daughter also have gone to comic-con and gotten photos and memorabilia. Thank you, Jason, for this fun and delightful story about Sister Cinda.