Appreciating Our Volunteers during Volunteer Appreciation Month
The phrase, “I appreciate you,” or simply, “Appreciate you,” has become a common way to say thank you in the United States, even for something as small as holding the door open for someone.
Besides adding a more personal touch to an expression of gratitude, “I appreciate you,” can cause an unintentional pause for those who are not used to hearing it.

It could also be taken as, “I appreciate your kindness,” “I appreciate your positive attitude,” “I appreciate the bright, unique person that you are,” or many other inferential attributes.
Heartfelt Gratitude
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. To say the Sisters of Providence appreciate their volunteers would not encompass the gratitude and esteem felt toward those who share their time and energy with the community.
Time is our most precious resource and asset. Volunteers use their talent and share their time to further the Providence Community’s goals of showing and spreading God’s love, mercy and justice to the world, and, goodness, does the world need it!
Throughout the year, nearly 200 volunteers help in almost every Sisters of Providence ministry from one-time events like Christmas Fun at the Woods, the annual Phonathon, and the Book Sale to ongoing efforts like helping at the White Violet Farm, Administrative Office, or the I.T. Department. Nonprofit organizations, like the Sisters of Providence, rely on volunteers to continue their ministries and assist in fundraising efforts that provide vital resources.

I asked some Sisters and Sisters of Providence staff what they thought about our volunteers. Here is what they said:
“Teen Volunteers give me hope for humanity. I’ve watched them grow in confidence, tenderness and kindness. They make me so proud!” – Sister Joni Luna, Vocations Director and Teen Ministry Director
“Our volunteers are truly Heaven-sent and so caring of our team. We truly could not do all we do without our volunteers, and they are deeply appreciated.” – Sisters of Providence staff
“Volunteers bring their light-heartedness to brighten up the event they are taking part in. It is such a joy to be in conversation with them, to work/play side-by-side, and have them be a part of our lives for the time they are here!” – Sister Barbara Bluntzer
“Our volunteers are like best friends who’d come your way whenever you need anything.” – Sisters of Providence staff
Thank You!
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin would say:
“What a sweet Providence it is to find friends thus willing to assist us.”
Again, thank you to all of our volunteers. Know that the Sisters of Providence truly appreciate your time, energy, enthusiasm, selfless attitude, and the overall wonderful person that you are.
There are many one-time and ongoing volunteer opportunities at the Woods, including:
Are you interested in learning about volunteer opportunities? Sign up for the Volunteer Services Monthly E-newsletter and stay up-to-date on the needs within the community by emailing