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Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
Eighteen Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are celebrating senior Jubilees with the Congregation this year.
Five of those sisters are celebrating 60-year Jubilees.
60-year Jubilarians
Sister Clelia Cecchetti is a native of Brooklyn, N.Y. Currently, she ministers as the Coordinator for the Eucharistic Ministry to the sick at St. Mary of the Mills Parish in Laurel, Md.

Sister Clelia, formerly Sister Rosina, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1959, from Holy Redeemer, College Park, Md. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1966.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in music and received a master’s degree in music education from Ball State University.
Her ministries include:
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Sacred Heart and Sacred Ann (1963-66),
- Brownsburg, Ind.: Teacher, St. Ann (Indianapolis) and St. Malachy (Brownsburg) (1966-67),
- Lansdowne, Md.: Teacher, St. Clement (1967-68),
- Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1968-75),
- College Park, Md.: Teacher, Holy Redeemer (1975-87),
- Chelsea, Mass.: Provincial Treasurer, St. Raphael Province (1988-89),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Local Resident Accounts Manager, Central Business Office (1989-93),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Finance Clerk Cashier, Central Business Office (1993-94),
- Washington, D.C.: Receptionist, Basilica National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (1994-99),
- Washington, D.C.: Administrative Secretary, Secretariat for Divine Worship, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (1999-2010),
- Washington, D.C.: Volunteer (2010-12),
- Laurel, Md.: Coordinator of the Eucharistic Ministry to the sick, St. Mary of the Mills Parish (2013-15),
- Laurel, Md.: Volunteer for Eucharistic Ministry to the sick, St. Mary of the Mills Parish (2015-16), and
- Laurel, Md./Silver Spring, Md.: Parish Visitor/clerical assistant, St. Mary of the Mills Parish (2016-18).
Sister Ellen Cunningham is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer in the Institutional Advancement Office at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Sister Ellen, formerly Sister Michael Aquinas, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1959, from St. Luke, River Forest, Ill. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. She also earned a master’s degree in mathematics from Catholic University of America, and her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Maryland. She also has a master’s of science in computing science education from the University of Evansville.
Her ministries included:
- Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, Central Catholic High School (1964-66),
- Loogootee, Ind.: Teacher, St. John (1966-67),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1974-82),
- Chicago: Computer Programming, McCord and Associates (1982-83),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Associate Professor/Department Chair, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1983-90),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Professor/Department Chair, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1990-92),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Professor, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1993-2012),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Adjunct Professor, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2012-13), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Adjunct Professor/Volunteer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2013-14).
Sister Paula Modaff is a native of Oak Park, Ill. Currently, she ministers as an auditor for the Indianapolis Archdiocesan, Marriage Tribunal, and as a spiritual companion at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.

Sister Paula, formerly Sister Marie Pauline, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1959, from St. Mary, Aurora, Ill. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English. She also earned master’s degrees in Spanish, Latin and American Literature from Universidad Ibero-Americana in Mexico, and another master’s degree in religious studies from Gonzaga University. She also has a Licentiate of Canon Law from Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome, Italy.
Her ministries included:
- Clarksville, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1964-66),
- River Grove, Ill.: Teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1966-71),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Prayer, House of Prayer (1972-73),
- River Grove, Ill.: Teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1973-74),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Prayer, House of Prayer/Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1974-77),
- Panorama City, Calif.: Teacher, St. Genevieve (1977-83),
- Los Angeles: Campus Minister/Teacher, Our Lady of Loretto (1985-87),
- Panorama City, Calif.: Dean of Girls/Teacher, St. Genevieve (1987-90),
- Los Angeles: Advocate for the Tribunal, Archdiocese of Los Angeles (1990-93),
- Los Angeles: Canon Lawyer, Archdiocesan Tribunal (1995-98),
- Los Angeles: Canon Lawyer, Archdiocesan Tribunal (1998-2000),
- Orange, Calif.: Canon Lawyer, Diocese of Orange/Office of Canonical Services, Marywood Center (2000-03),
- Indianapolis: Canon Lawyer, Archdiocesan Tribunal/Teacher, Hispanic Education Center (2003),
- Indianapolis: Canon Lawyer, Archdiocesan Tribunal (2004),
- Beech Grove, Ind.: Canon Lawyer, Archdiocesan Tribunal (Indianapolis) /Visitor, St. Francis Hospital (2005-06),
- Beech Grove, Ind.: Visitor/Spiritual Director, St. Francis Hospital (2006-08),
- Indianapolis: Judge, Metropolitan Tribunal (Archdiocese of Indianapolis)/Spiritual Direction (2008),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Minister of Care/Spiritual Direction, Health Care Services (2008-10), and
- Indianapolis/Terre Haute, Ind.: Auditor, Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal/Volunteer, St. Margaret Mary (2011-15).
Sister Dorothy Rasche is a native of Jasper. Currently, she ministers as a Catholic Spiritual Guide for the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind., and as the Director of The Connecting Link, West Terre Haute, Ind.

Sister Dorothy, formerly Sister Rose Martin, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1959, from St. Joseph, Jasper. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also has a master’s degree in religious studies from Mundelein University.
Her ministries included:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1964-65),
- Vincennes, Ind.: Teacher, St. John (1965-68),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Andrew (1968-69),
- Brownsburg, Ind.: Teacher, St. Malachy (1969-70),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joseph (1970),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1970-72),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Director of Religious Education, Sacred Heart Parish (1972-73),
- Indianapolis: Director of Religious Education, St. Lawrence Parish (1973-76),
- McAlester, Okla.: Southeast Pastoral Team (1976-78),
- Evansville, Ind.: Student Clinical Pastoral Education, Deacon Hospital (1978),
- Ypsilanti, Mich.: Student Clinical Pastoral Education, Ypsilanti Regional Psycho Hospital (1978),
- Ann Arbor, Mich.: Student Clinical Pastoral Education, Mott Children’s Hospital (1978-79),
- Lansing, Mich.: Student Clinical Pastoral Education, University of Michigan PSY Hospital (1979),
- Milan, Mich.: Student Clinical Pastoral Education, F.C.I. (1979),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Pastoral Associate (Seelyville, Ind.)/Prison Minister, Federal Penitentiary (1979-81),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Prison Ministry, Federal Penitentiary/Nursing Assistant, Infirmary (Saint Mary-of-the-Woods) (1981),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Sacred Heart School/Prison Ministry, Federal Penitentiary (1981-82),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Director of Religious Education, St. Joseph University Parish/Prison Chaplain, U.S. Penitentiary (1982-83),
- Claremont, Calif.: Co-Director, Crossroads, Inc. (1983-87),
- Pecos, Texas: Parish Ministry, West Texas Ministry Team (1987-88),
- Alderson, W.Va.: Intern Staff Chaplain, Federal Correctional Institution (1988-89),
- Alderson, W.Va.: Staff Chaplain, Federal Correctional Institution (1989-90),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Staff Chaplain, U.S. Federal Penitentiary (1990-93),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Staff Chaplain, U.S. Federal Penitentiary (1994-97),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Service Provider, The Connecting Link/ Rehab Coordinator, Providence Housing Corporation (1997-2003),
- West Terre Haute, Ind.: Service Provider, The Connecting Link (2003-07), and
- West Terre Haute, Ind.: Director, The Connecting Link/Catholic Spiritual Guide for Life Connections Program, U.S. Penitentiary (2008-current).
Sister Therese Guerin Sullivan is a native of Malden, Mass. Currently, she ministers as a Canonical Consultant in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
Sister Therese Guerin entered the Congregation on July 22, 1959, from Sacred Heart, Malden, Mass. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1967.

She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also earned a master’s degree in personalized learning from DePaul University, as well as a doctor of ministry from St. Mary Lake University. Sister Therese Guerin also has a Licentiate of Canon Law from St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada, and a master of arts in Roman Catholic Theology from St. Paul University.
Her ministries included:
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Andrew (1964-66),
- Burlington, N.C.: Teacher, Blessed Sacrament (1966-67),
- Wilson, N.C.: Teacher, St. Therese (1967-69),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Thaddeus (1969-73),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Angela (1973-80),
- Chicago: Principal, St. Angela (1980-83),
- Chicago: Principal, St. Mary Magdalen (1983-84),
- Chicago: Principal, Jesus Our Brother School (1984-87),
- Merrillville, Ind.: Tribunal Judge/Bishop’s Liaison to Religious, Diocese of Gary (1989-2000),
- Merrillville, Ind.: Judge, Diocese of Gary (2000-02),
- Cleveland, Ohio: Judge, Diocese of Cleveland (2002-07), and
- Cleveland, Ohio: Chancellor, Diocese of Cleveland (2007-17).
Nine of the sisters are celebrating 70 years with the Congregation this year.
70-year Jubilarians
Sister Barbara Ann Bluntzer is a native of Corpus Christi, Texas. Currently, she ministers as a tutor for St. Patrick School, Terre Haute, Ind.
Sister Barbara Ann, formerly Sister Mary Martha, entered the Congregation on June 7, 1949, from St. John Nepomuene, Robstown, Texas. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University.
Her ministries included:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1952-54),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1954-56),
- Oklahoma City, Okla.: Teacher, Corpus Christi (1957-62),
- Robstown, Texas: Teacher, St. John (1962-67),
- Louis: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence (1967-69),
- Oklahoma City, Okla.: Teacher, Corpus Christi (1969-72),
- Portland, Texas: Religious Education, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (1973-75),
- La Feria, Texas: Religious Education, St. Francis Xavier (1975-76),
- Mission, Texas: Religious Education/Pastoral Minister, St. Paul (1976-79),
- Mission, Texas: Director of Religious Education, St. Paul (1979-80),
- Somerset, Ky.: Director of Religious Education, St. Mildred Parish (1980-82),
- Benton, Ill.: Director of Religious Education, St. Joseph Parish (1982-85),
- Robstown, Texas: Director of Religious Education, St. John Parish (1985-86),
- Corpus Christi, Texas: Teacher, Archdiocese Oscar Romero Jr. High School (1986-93),
- Corpus Christi, Texas: Director of Religious Education, St. Pius X Parish (1993-2004), and
- Corpus Christi, Texas: Volunteer, St. Pius Parish (2004-17).
Sister Marian Brady is a native of Washington, D.C. Currently, she ministers as the coordinator for the Immaculata College of Washington, D.C., Alumnae organization.
Sister Marian entered the Congregation on Feb. 11, 1949, from St. Ann, Washington, D.C. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1956.

She graduated from Trinity Washington University, Washington, D.C., with a bachelor’s degree in English. She also has a master’s and Ph.D. in philosophy from Catholic University of America.
Her ministries included:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, Ladywood (1951-55),
- Clarksville, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence (1955-56),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Schulte High School (1956-57),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Assistant Professor/Associate Professor of Philosophy, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1962-66),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Dean of Students/Associate Professor of Philosophy, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1966-67),
- Washington, D.C.: President, Professor of Philosophy, Immaculata College (1967-78),
- Washington, D.C.: College Closure, Immaculata College (1978-79),
- Washington, D.C.: College Closure (Immaculata College), part-time assistant for the Association of Catholic Colleges (National Catholic Education Association) (1979-80),
- Washington, D.C.: Closure of Immaculata College (1980-81),
- Washington, D.C.: Lecturer in Philosophy, The Catholic University of America (1981-82),
- Washington, D.C.: Visiting Associate Professor/Lecturer in Philosophy, The Catholic University of America (1982-83),
- Washington, D.C.: Visiting Associate Professor, The Catholic University of America (1983-84),
- Washington, D.C.: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America (1984-87),
- Washington, D.C.: Adjunct Assistant Professor (The Catholic University of America), Lecturer in Philosophy (Pontifical Immaculate Conception (1987-90),
- Washington, D.C.: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America (1990-92),
- Washington, D.C.: Adjunct Assistant Professor/Director, Core Program in Philosophy, The Catholic University of America (1992-2013),
- Washington, D.C.: Adjunct Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of America (2013-15), and
- Washington, D.C.: Adjunct Assistant Professor (The Catholic University of America), Coordinator of Immaculata College Alumnae organization (2015-16).
Sister Suzanne Buthod was born in Fort Worth, Texas. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Suzanne, formerly Sister Mary Judith, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1949, from St. Benedict, Evansville, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1956.

She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English. She also has a master’s degree in religion from Manhattanville , Purchase, N.Y.
Her ministries included:
- Lockport, Ill.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1951-54),
- Joliet, Ill.: Teacher, St. Mary Carmelite (1954-56),
- Greenfield, Ind.: Teacher, St. Michael (1956-62),
- Indianapolis: Principal/Teacher, St. Catherine (1962-68),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher (Schulte High School)/Director of Novices (Saint Mary-of-the-Woods) (1969-72),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Schulte High School (1972-74),
- Evansville, Ind.: Teacher, Evansville Reitz Memorial High School (1974-75),
- Evansville, Ind.: Parish Ministry, St. Boniface (1975-78),
- Evansville, Ind.: Special Religious Education/Auditor-Marriage Tribunal, Diocese of Evansville (1978-80),
- Evansville, Ind.: Auditor-Marriage Tribunal/Assistant Director of Special Religious Education, Diocese of Evansville (1980-81),
- Evansville, Ind.: Auditor/Advocate, Marriage Tribunal, Diocese of Evansville (1981-84),
- Indianapolis: Pastoral Associate, Holy Rosary, St. Patrick (1985-88),
- Selma, Ala.: Outreach Service Minister, Edmundite Southern Missions (1988-1999), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Volunteer (2002-17).
Sister Rosemary Eyler is a native of Crawfordsville, Ind. Currently, she ministers as a parish volunteer at St. Christopher Parish, Indianapolis.
Sister Rosemary, formerly Sister Mary Luke, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1949, from St. Bernard, Crawfordsville, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1956.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also has master’s degrees in education and in education administrative supervision from Indiana State University.
Her ministries included:
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Angela (1951-56),
- Portsmouth, N.H.: Teacher, Lady Isle (1956-58),
- Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose (1958-59),
- Greenfield, Ind.: Teacher, St. Michael (1959-66),
- Indianapolis: Teacher/Principal, St. Bridget (1966-70),
- Evansville, Ind.: Teacher/Principal, Sacred Heart (1970-73),
- Evansville, Ind.: Principal, Sacred Heart (1973-74),
- Evansville, Ind.: Coordinating Principal, Westside Consolidated School (1974-79),
- Indianapolis: Principal, St. Matthew School (1979-93),
- Rensselaer, Ind.: Principal, St. Augustine School (1993-2000),
- Peru, Ind.: Principal, St. Charles Borromeo School (2000-05),
- Crawfordsville, Ind.: Principal, St. Bernard School (2005-08),
- Crawfordsville, Ind.: Senior Citizen Ministry, St. Bernard Parish (2008-11), and
- Crawfordsville, Ind.: Volunteer/Parish Ministry, St. Bernard Parish (2011-17).
Sister Marie Denis Lucey is a native of Brighton, Mass. Currently, she ministers in convent service in Washington, D.C.
Sister Marie Denis entered the Congregation on July 22, 1949, from Most Blessed Sacrament, Greenwood, Mass. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.

She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education.
Her ministries included:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Ann (1952),
- Chicago: Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows (1952-53),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Leo (1953-55),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1955-57),
- Chicago: Teacher, Maternity BVM (1957-58),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Ann (1958),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1958-61),
- Chicago: Teacher, Maternity BVM (1961-62),
- Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose (1962-64),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Sylvester (1964-65),
- Stoneham, Mass.: Teacher, St. Patrick (1965-72),
- Malden, Mass.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1972-74),
- Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1974-79),
- Halethorpe, Md.: Teacher, Ascension (1979-84),
- Malden, Mass.: Teacher, Cheverus (1984-88),
- Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose (1988-91),
- Washington, D.C.: Staff (Isaiah House)/Mental Health Counselor (S.O.M.E. – So Others Might Eat) (1992-2001), and
- Washington, D.C.: Ministry to the sick (2001-05).
Sister Regina Marie McIntyre is a native of Eaton, Ohio. Currently, she ministers as an organist at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, a teacher at St. Meinrad Archabbey, and as a volunteer in West Terre Haute, Ind.
Sister Regina Marie entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1949, from St. Mary, Richmond, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1956.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in music and also has a master’s degree in music from Indiana University.
Her ministries included:
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, St. Margaret Mary (1951),
- Halethorpe, Md.: Teacher, Ascension (1951-52),
- Chicago: Teacher, Maternity BVM (1952-54),
- Tulsa, Okla.: Teacher, Immaculate Conception (1954-55),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1955-56),
- Bloomington, Ind.: Teacher, St. Charles (1956-79),
- Bloomington, Ind.: Liturgist/Teacher, St. Charles (1979-83),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Director of Liturgy/Organist/Scholastic Director/Pianist, Sacred Heart Province (1985-91),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Director of Liturgy/Organist/Scholastic Director/Pianist, Motherhouse (1996-2001),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and St. Meinrad, Ind.: Organist/Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and St. Meinrad Archabbey (2003-13), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, St. Meinrad and Terre Haute, Ind.: Organist/Teacher/Volunteer (2013-17).
Sister Margaret Norris is a native of Jasper, Ind. Currently, she ministers as a massage therapist at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Margaret, formerly Sister Marie Angeline, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1949, from St. Joseph, Jasper, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education, and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her ministries included:
- Norwood Park, Ill.: Teacher, Immaculate Conception (1952-54),
- Chicago: Teacher, Maternity BVM (1954-56),
- Burlington, N.C.: Teacher, Blessed Sacrament (1957-60),
- Evansville, Ind.: Teacher, Assumption (1960-62),
- Louis: Teacher, Annunziata (1962-65),
- Greenfield, Ind.: Teacher/Principal, St. Michael (1965-69),
- Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Tenth Street School (1969-78),
- Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Jasper Middle School (1978-83),
- Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Fifth Street School (1983-2001),
- Evansville, Ind.: Tutor, Exercise Facility (2001-03), and
- Evansville, Ind.: Volunteer (2003-08).
Sister Joann Quinkert is a native of New Albany, Ind. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Joann, formerly Sister Joan Margaret, entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1949, from Holy Trinity, New Albany, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1956.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education, and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University.
Her ministries included:
- Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. Jude (1951-56),
- Sellersburg, Ind.: Teacher, St. Paul (1956-57),
- Fayetteville, N.C.: Teacher/Principal, St. Ann (1957-64),
- Fayetteville, N.C.: Teacher/Principal, St. Patrick (1964-65),
- Washington, Ind.: Teacher/Principal/Superior, St. Simon (1965-67),
- Washington, Ind.: Principal/Superior, St. Simon (1967-68),
- Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. Patrick (1970),
- Indianapolis: Principal, St. Philip Neri (1970-76),
- New Albany, Ind.: Pastoral Associate, St. Mary (1976-80),
- Des Moines, Iowa: Hospital Chaplain, Mercy Hospital (1981-82),
- East Bernstadt, Ky.: Outreach worker, Ministry Resource Center, Inc. (1982-83),
- Williamsburg, Ky.: Pastoral Associate, Our Lady of Peace Church (1983-84),
- Williamsburg, Ky.: Director of Adult Education, Friendship Center (1984-89),
- Burkesville, Ky.: Pastoral Associate, Holy Cross Church (1989-91),
- Selma, Ala.: Rural Pastoral Ministry, Edmundite Southern Missions (1991-92), and
- Selma, Ala.: Director of Catholic Social Ministry, Edmundite Southern Missions (1992-2001).
Sister Charles Van Hoy is a native of Bloomington, Ind. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Charles entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1949, from St. Charles Borromeo, Bloomington, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1956.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education, and also has a master’s degree in library science from Spalding University, Louisville, Ky.
Her ministries included:
- Tulsa, Okla.: Teacher, Immaculate Conception (1951-52),
- Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1952-53),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Mel (1953-56),
- Wilson, N.C.: Teacher, St. Therese (1956-57),
- Washington, D.C.: Teacher, Immaculata (1957-62),
- Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1962-64),
- Indianapolis: Teacher/Principal, St. Anthony (1964-70),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, All Saints (1970-71),
- Lansdowne, Md.: Teacher, St. Clement (1971-73),
- Peru, Ind.: Teacher/Librarian, St. Charles (1973-75),
- Indianapolis: Bookkeeper/Adult Education Teacher, United Southside Community Organization (1975-83),
- Indianapolis: Pastoral Associate, St. Patrick and Holy Rosary Parish (1983-93),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Director of Activity Department, Motherhouse (1994-96),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Coordinator of Activities, Motherhouse (1996-2006), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Volunteer (2006-18).
In addition, four of the sisters are celebrating 75 years with the Congregation this year.
75-year Jubilarians
Sister Rita Clare Gerardot is a native of New Haven, Ind. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Rita Clare entered the Congregation on July 21, 1944, from St. Louis, New Haven, Ind. She professed perpetualvows on Jan. 23, 1952.

She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English. She also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University.
Her ministries included:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Catherine (1947-51),
- Vincennes, Ind.: Teacher, St. John (1952-53),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Columbkille (1953-55),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Angela (1955-56),
- Whiting, Ind.: Teacher/Principal Superior, Sacred Heart (1956-59),
- Wilmette, Ill.: Teacher/Principal Superior, St. Francis Xavier (1959-62),
- Wilmette, Ill.: Principal Superior, St. Francis Xavier (1962-65),
- Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1965-67),
- Indianapolis: Superior Principal, St. Luke (1967-73),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Simon (1973-77),
- Fort Wayne: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1977-79),
- Syracuse, Ind.: Pastoral Minister, St. Martin de Porres Parish (1981),
- Indianapolis: Parish Minister with elderly and poor, Cathedral Parish (1981-89),
- River Grove, Ill.: Receptionist/Administrative Assistant, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1989-92),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Health Care (1992-96),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Director of Wellness Center, Providence Hall (1996-2008),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Volunteer, Federal Penitentiary/St. Ann Clinic/Helping Hands (2008-15), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Volunteer (2015-18).
Sister Mildred Giesler is a native of Jasper, Ind. Currently, she ministers in prayer and health care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Mildred, formerly Sister Alma Joseph, entered the Congregation on Jan. 10, 1944, from St. Joseph, Jasper, Ind. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1951.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University, and a master’s of religious education from the University of Seattle.
Her ministries included:
- Burlington, N.C.: Teacher, Blessed Sacrament (1946-48),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Sylvester (1948-51),
- Somerville, Mass.: Teacher, St. Polycarp (1951-55),
- New Castle, Ind.: Teacher, St. Anne (1955-58),
- Hawthorne, Calif.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1958-59),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Andrew (1959-65),
- Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1965-76),
- Jasper, Ind.: Religious Education, St. Joseph Parish Center (1976-79),
- Peru, Ind.: Coordinator of Parish Ministries, St. Charles (1979-80),
- Peru, Ind.: Director of Religious Education, St. Charles (1980-81),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Simon (1981-88),
- Jasper, Ind.: Pastoral Associate, Precious Blood Parish (1989-97),
- Jasper, Ind.: Parish Visitor, Precious Blood Parish (1997-2003),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Volunteer (203-05), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Residential Services (2005-11).
Sister Florence Norton is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers as an English as a Second Language teacher and volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Florence, formerly Sister Thomas Ann, entered the Congregation on Jan. 10, 1944, from St. Sylvester, Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1951.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from St. Louis University.
Her ministries included:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Thomas Aquinas (1946-50),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Catherine (1950-51),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Catherine (1951-52),
- Portsmouth, N.H.: Teacher, Lady Isle (1952-55),
- Louis, Mo.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence (1955-68),
- Louis, Mo.: Principal, Our Lady of Providence (1962-68),
- Arequipa, Peru: Teacher, Colegio San Jose (1969-76),
- Chicago: Substitute Teacher (St. Sylvester)/English as a Second Language (City College) (1976),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Sylvester (1976-82),
- Chicago: Pastoral Associate, St. Sylvester (1982-85),
- Chicago: Pastoral Associate, Our Lady of Grace Parish (1986-2010), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Volunteer (2010-18).
Sister Miriam Clare Stoll is a native of Clyde, Mo. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Miriam Clare entered the Congregation on Aug. 12, 1944, from Immaculate Conception, Conception, Mo. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1952.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education.
Her ministries included:
- Downers Grove, Ill.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1947-51),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Mel-Holy Ghost (1952-54),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, Holy Spirit (1954-62),
- Oklahoma City, Okla.: Teacher, Corpus Christi (1962-64),
- Chicago: Teacher, Our Lady of Mercy (1964-65),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Agnes (1965-66),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1966-71),
- Indianapolis: Coordinator of Home and Activities, St. Elizabeth Home (1971),
- Indianapolis: Parish Work, St. Matthew Parish (1971-72),
- Indianapolis: Hospital Visiting, St. Vincent Hospital (1972-74),
- Louis: Religious Education, St. Michael (1974-76),
- Louis: Adult Education, St. Mark School (1976-77),
- Pevely, Mo.: Foundress and Director of House of Prayer and Hermitage, Christina House (1977-83),
- Louis: Care of elderly (1984-85),
- Springfield, Mo.: Shelter Manager, Hotel Missouri (1985-86),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Ministry to aging shut-ins and sick, St. Patrick Parish (1986-94),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Community Service (1994-96), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Volunteer (1996-2009).
About the Sisters of Providence
The Sisters of Providence, a congregation of 214 women religious, with 300 Providence Associates, collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy. The Sisters of Providence have their motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, located just northwest of downtown Terre Haute, Ind., which is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in 1840. Today, Sisters of Providence minister in 13 states, the District of Columbia and Asia, through works of love, mercy and justice. More information about the Sisters of Providence and their ministries can be found at SistersofProvidence.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.