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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
67 results
Topic: mission

The beauty of these Woods: a reflection of God’s presence
Every time I walk these Woods,
I sense your presence with me
in a powerful and very real way.

Prayer for a brighter new year
Instead, I will ask that Your resolutions be mine.
Your path, my path. Your will, my will.
Let us walk headlong into this new year together.

Guide me, O God
Show me clearly the path Providence
is unfolding for me today.
Grant me the courage to walk it,
fearlessly as you want me to.

From darkness into light
And I knew that could happen
to our world too —
This growing in
and emerging from
Darkness into Light

A walk with God
Be my guide.
Help me to be aware
Of all that lies before, behind and around me.

A nurses’ prayer to be enough during COVID-19 pandemic
Lord Jesus, You only have us,
to stand in for You. Make ours Your healing touch. Make ours the words You’d speak.
Make our outreach to families and loved ones the comfort and hope You’d give.
Let us be Your love.

February Black History Month prayer service
During Black History month, we raise up the memory of Black Americans whose lives inspire us to live our baptismal call to the fullest, and implore their intercession to blot out the sin of racism
“Just trust God. God will provide. Even tomorrow what will happen we don’t know. Believe there is God. God doesn’t always give happy feelings. But in the end we are looking to eternal life. Cooperate and trust and believe. Trust the community and trust God and trust yourself and go day by day and it will take you to the end. You are thinking too much. We don’t know what the future will be.”
“We can expect that our good works, our works of love and mercy and justice will abide. …they will last, remain. What a great promise! When we love, act justly, respond in mercy – it matters; it makes a difference; it bears a fruit that will endure.”
“If ... you are quite determined to belong entirely to God, to work with all your strength ... I say to you with assurance, Come.”
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