Approximately 3.7 million letters, messages, emails, tweets and more were composed worldwide through the campaign
Read moreIt seems that the Templars are doing an extraordinary amount of good around the world in very quiet ways
Read moreThe Sisters of Providence want to honor all mothers and Mary Mother of God this week with this prayer
Read more“Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.”
Read moreIn this small glimpse of mercy in Islam, we reflect the hope of Pope Francis that this Jubilee year will “foster an encounter,” “open us to even more fervent dialogue” and “eliminate every form of closed-mindedness” toward Islam, Judaism, and “other noble religious traditions.” Inshallah! (God willing!)
Read more“It’s a rewarding walk; a deeper inner journey.”
Read moreI realized that in both stories, Jesus was open and vulnerable enough to allow others to call him to mercy. In the end, when it came to choosing mercy or sticking with his original plan, Jesus did not dig his heels in based on his own sense of the “right time” or the “right people.”
Read moreSaint Mother Theodore once said, “Treat yourself as you treat others, with kindness and indulgence.” I firmly believe that, above all, to comfort oneself or another involves being gentle with oneself or another. It means allowing grief to be a teacher who reminds us that we are wired for resilience. We are meant to find meaning and purpose in life.
Read moreForgiveness is a process, and a slow one at that. We cannot rush forgiveness. If we do it becomes insincere. It takes time, patience and mercy and it is never an easy journey to make.
Read moreOur Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are passionate about serving God by caring for all God’s creation, especially those most in need. We serve in many ways, from education to social justice, parish ministry, hospital ministry, serving the economically poor, advocating for immigrants and for a healthy environment. Read how some of our sisters serve God and others through their ministries.