Poetry can tickle a funny bone!
Recently our Providence Associates coming to retreat were invited to bring professional clothing to donate to the Well Suited for the Job Boutique. These donations assist the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Career Development Office to prepare its students and recent alumni for job interviews and internships.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College senior Dulce Chavez is a Well Suited for the Job Boutique recipient. In 2015, during a summer fellowship at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, she wore some of the clothing at a Gioannini Symposium presentation.
With this humorous SP poem from earlier days, we celebrate the generous response both of the Providence Associates and those who contributed to this cause at the January Taizé service.
Tale of a Suit
The skirt and the jacket
were parted one day
when Sister Marian Elizabeth
gave them away.
The skirt she put out
with odds and ends,
and the jacket she gave
to one of her friends.
Sister J. saw the skirt
and it looked okay,
“I’ll wear it” she said
“some warm summer day.”
Now the skirt and the jacket
ended up at the Woods
in two different closets –
the very same goods.
The skirt-Sister was wearing
that skirt the day
that the jacket-Sister decided
to give hers away.
They met on the elevator
(this is for real!)
The two of them made
a hasty deal –
“You take the jacket –
it’s a perfect match!”
“Of course I will!
What a wonderful catch!”
The point of it all
is as plain as day –
You can’t keep a skirt
from its jacket away!
Mary Joanita Walsh, SP (RIP)
(reprint from Community July-August, 1994)