Sometimes, the liturgical action, in this case receiving ashes, expresses what we struggle to find words to express on our own. Even when we know we’re pulled toward a journey, we may have no idea what direction to take or where the path even is.
Read moreMary, though feeling confused and filled with questions, was faithful and obeyed the angel’s instructions. She must have been blindsided by the situation that she was thrust into. But by her faith she was obedient and surrendered to God’s will.
Read moreI think walking a labyrinth can be a prayer experience in the same way that anything we do with quiet reverence and intention is prayer. I find sitting in prayer very challenging. The helpful part of labyrinth as a prayer practice is that it is an embodied experience. The path allows me to bring my whole self.
Read moreThanksgiving this year, in many ways, hearkens back to Thanksgivings of old. As a nation, we remain bitterly divided politically. Those on the margins face terrible persecution. But mightn’t we still manage to have one good day together?
Read moreAt the orientation, each Providence Associate candidate shared what brought them to the Providence Community. Here is some of what they shared.
Read moreThe 40th General Chapter of the Sisters of Providence may have been delayed by Covid-19, but it wasn’t stopped. Members of the Providence Community gathered from near and far at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Oct. 21-25. It was so good to be together again! We prayed and played, planned and listened and selected leadership for the next five years. We have so much to be thankful for!
Read moreAs we celebrate the hope-filled beginnings and sacrifices offered to create this Providence community, I ask: What about you? Will you listen to your heart? Will you answer the call?
Read moreSaturday, Oct. 9, 2021 was a day of joy and celebration as we welcomed 18 new Providence Associates. Most were able to gather in person this year to profess their commitments to the mission of love, mercy and justice. We are so thankful that God is calling such wonderful women and men to walk this journey with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods as part of our Community of Providence. Learn more about the Providence Associate relationship here.
Read moreWe certainly support all your efforts on behalf of God’s mission of Providence wherever you may be
Read moreThe pandemic gave new meaning to her words, “ … for you will see many things in new lights if you give the Holy Spirit free access to your minds and hearts.”
Read morene TeKolste’s reflection on her family’s journey to welcome an asylum family with the same love with which Mother Theodore and her companions were welcomed by the Thralls family more than 180 years ago.
Read moreIt’s doubtful Mother Theodore wrote so her words would be preserved. She may have written to encourage others to persevere. Providence Associate Kate Childs Graham, speech writer for Vice President Kamala Harris, seems to have that same hope — that her writing will encourage others to persevere in living lives of faith, commitment, candor and compassion.
Read moreGet a feel for who the Providence Associate community is and find inspiration in these stories. Reflections, poetry, articles and more by and about Providence Associates. Are you being called to walk with the Sisters of Providence as a Providence Associate?