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Ezra (Kyle) Meadors

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Content written by Ezra (Kyle)


Seeing Saint Mother Theodore’s writings in new lights: A feast day reflection

The pandemic gave new meaning to her words, “ … for you will see many things in new lights if you give the Holy Spirit free access to your minds and hearts.”



Remembering Sister Barbara Doherty

Sister Barbara Doherty has been a lamp, a lifeboat and a ladder in my life at various times throughout the years. When I received the news that she had been anointed on July 25, I started to write down some of my most treasured memories of Barbara.



World AIDS Day: Sisters respond to AIDS epidemic, part 2

In 1993, Sister Carole Kimes was ministering as a hospice nurse in Indianapolis. “One of my patients who touched me most was Bill,” said Sister Carole. “He taught me how those living with AIDS were alienated from others due to fear. He taught me about loving the person and not fearing the person because of diagnosis.”



Remembering sisters’ loving response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

“It struck me as something I would be very interested in. I was attracted to the fact that it was a place for people who are alienated,” Sister Marilyn Therese Lipps remembered thinking after reading about a new center opening up in the 1980s in response to the local AIDS crisis.



Providence spirituality in action: Sister Kathleen Desautels and 8th Day Center for Justice

I started thinking about everything I had seen from Sister Kathleen during my time at 8th Day. What I saw was Providence Spirituality in action. In our conversations over those two years, I had heard many of Sister Kathleen’s stories, her thoughts and her prayers. I found a woman willing to put herself on the line for the greater good time and time again.


Ezra Kyle Meadors has been a Providence Associate since 2012. He spent time in 2016-17 as an intern at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice. Ezra is a loyal fan of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. He is a member of the Illinois Alliance for Sound AIDS Policy and volunteers at a residence for men and women living with HIV/AIDS in Chicago.