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Neighbors and nonviolence: a call to reflection

By William Hughes | January 14, 2015 |

What things might make you feel better than someone else? Perhaps you went to school longer. You earn more money. You have better behaved kids. You hold yourself to a higher moral order. These things might bring a sense of pride. Recall people and circumstances in your life that have made good things possible for you. Consider whether those you disdain, look down on, have been surrounded by such blessings?

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Eco-tips for living gently on Earth

By Sisters of Providence | December 30, 2014 |

Conserve water by taking shorter showers. Turn water off while soaping, shaving, etc. to save even more water.

Lots of tips to help care for our planet gathered from the Providence community

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The Christmas story: new and old

By Sister Diane Mason | December 23, 2014 |

God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son, Jesus Christ. This very Jesus Christ, the Holy One, is within you! Embrace this gift of the sacred. Share it with your family and friends. Open your eyes to see the Christ in those who have hurt you. Share the light of goodness with others who long to be loved.

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Providence prayers for the journey of Advent

By Diann Neu | November 30, 2014 |

Advent means coming (Latin adventus; Greek parousia): the coming of Emmanuel (God-with-us) into our lives, the coming of Providence into the universe. This start of the Christian liturgical year invites us to prepare for the coming of light, liberation, and love into the universe. It challenges us to stay awake to Providence in our midst and to witness to this relationship.

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Giving thanks from the heart

By Sister Diane Mason | November 27, 2014 |

The two words thank you are so simple! But if said from deep within our hearts they can open a field of compassion and gratitude to others. If said from deep within our hearts, the saying of thank you becomes real. When we are real, we are able to melt the frozen places in others and ourselves.

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Providence Associates recommitments 2014

By Amy Miranda | November 20, 2014 |

Several Providence Associates from near and far have shared photos from recommitment gatherings in recent months. Check out some of the photos here!

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22 New Providence Associates

By Amy Miranda | November 14, 2014 |

“It’s an honor to represent this community of strong, progressive women religious. I recall a quote from Saint Mother Theodore: ‘We are not called upon to do all the good possible, but only that which we can do!’ I want to do what ‘I CAN do’ as an associate to help the Sisters of Providence continue their mission of love, mercy and justice,” says Diana M. Garza, one of 22 women and men who recently made first commitments as Providence Associates.

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Providence Associate first commitment 2014

By Amy Miranda | November 13, 2014 |

22 women and men made first commitments as Providence Associates in the fall of 2014. See photos from the commitment ceremonies here.

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Journey of the Spirit: companioning a Providence Associate Candidate

By Sister Cathy Campbell | November 11, 2014 |

When we began our journey a year ago, we were strangers. As we reach this milestone, we have become companions on the journey with a Provident God who often surprises us with twists and turns along the path.

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Providence Associate commitment liturgy reflection

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | November 8, 2014 |

“Here’s the thing, Hon.” Like most mysteries, like most authentic relationships, it’s not easy to describe or explain how deep and strong is the connection between, among those who share the charism of Providence.

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Walking with Providence Associate brings burst of energy

By Amy Miranda | November 7, 2014 |

“Because she’s so outgoing and so enthusiastic, I think she’s helped me recapture some of that enthusiasm for the Woods. And her spirituality too. Sometimes it’s easy when you go about your day, it gets kind of humdrum. But when somebody gets super excited, which she does, it’s contagious. It just awakens you,” says Sister Peggy Nau of her experience as a companion to Providence Associate candidate Jane Fischer over the past year.

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Sharing stories, building relationships

By Amy Miranda | October 26, 2014 |

An important part of the orientation toward becoming Providence Associates is the sharing of stories.
Several spoke of seeking something more in their lives, of seeking a deeper spirituality.
One young woman saw this as a way to keep her accountable to community service. Another was seeking intentionality.
Several were friends of Providence Associates who had heard their tales of life-giving experience as a Providence Associate and were looking for the same.

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Get a feel for who the Providence Associate community is and find inspiration in these stories. Reflections, poetry, articles and more by and about Providence Associates. Are you being called to walk with the Sisters of Providence as a Providence Associate?

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