The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are a community of vowed Catholic women religious. Inspired by our foundress Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, we are passionate about our lives of prayer, education, service and advocacy.
Reconnect or find new opportunities with the Providence Community. Volunteer in one of our many ministries, be an intern on the farm, explore job opportunities or reminisce about your alma mater.
Live joyfully! Single, Catholic women ages 18-42 are invited to explore a fulfilling life as a Sister of Providence. All women and men of faith are invited to join the family of Providence as Providence Associates.
Several Providence Associates from near and far have shared photos from recommitment gatherings in recent months. Check out some of the photos here!
Bill Hughes, forefront, during his commitment renewal as a Providence Associate in October 2014.
Providence Associates and friends pose with flat Saint Mother Theodore Guerin during their gathering for recommitments in southern California. From left clockwise: Rachel Ambrose, Emma Contreras, Becky Codekas, Pat Ruck, Joann Kennelly, April Bradley and Judy Sucharitakul, front.
The prayer space decoration at the southern California recommitment.
Sister Cathy White joins in prayer during the southern California recommitment gathering.
Providence Associate Emma Contreras makes her recommitment during a gathering in southern California.
Sister Josephine Bryan and Margaret Mary Leusch, wife of Providence Associate David Rudolph, who was renewing his commitment, pose for a photo during the gathering in southern California.
Jude Magers, center, makes her recommitment in Indianapolis surrounded by from left, Sister Cathy Campbell, Philip Brady, Marilyn Webb and Millie Brady.
Providence Associate Rachel Ambrose before renewing her commitment poses with Sister Mary Jo Piccione.
Providence Associates Linda Dubois, Pat Bowen and Bill Hughes renew their commitments in October at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Owens Hall Chapel.
Amy Miranda is a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence and a staff member in their Advancement Services office. Amy is a 1998 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She currently manages the SP publication HOPE and works on marketing support for Providence Associates, new membership and Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
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