The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are a community of vowed Catholic women religious. Inspired by our foundress Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, we are passionate about our lives of prayer, education, service and advocacy.
Reconnect or find new opportunities with the Providence Community. Volunteer in one of our many ministries, be an intern on the farm, explore job opportunities or reminisce about your alma mater.
Live joyfully! Single, Catholic women ages 18-42 are invited to explore a fulfilling life as a Sister of Providence. All women and men of faith are invited to join the family of Providence as Providence Associates.
20 women and men made first commitments as Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence in a ceremony Nov. 8, 2014, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. Two other women made their first commitment Oct. 21. See photos from the ceremonies here.
Director and Assistant Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason and Debbie Dillow bless the Providence Associates pins during the Oct. 21 ceremony for the Texas associates.
New Providence Associates Diana M. Garza and DeAnna Havel of Texas sign their commitment statements during their commitment ceremony at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on Oct. 21, 2014.
Sister of Providence Companion Sister Barbara Bluntzer pins the Providence Associate pin on Diana M. Garza during the ceremony Oct. 21 in Owens Hall Chapel.
Providence Associate Tracy Biggs-Green fixes her three-year-old daughter’s hair after the liturgy as her Sister of Providence Companion Sister Rosemary Eyler looks on.
The Rev. Rebecca Zelensky makes her commitments as a Providence Associate.
From left, Terry Urban and Marilyn Rausch make their commitments as Providence Associates.
Sisters of Providence Companions extend their arms in blessing over the new Providence Associates.
New Providence Associate Susan McDowell, center, offers those around her the sign of peace.
Providence Associate Marilyn Rausch with her Sister of Providence Companion Sister Susan Dinnin.
Sister of Providence Sister Rosemary Borntrager declares her companion Jennifer Calvert, seated, ready to become a Providence Associate.
Sister Lisa Stallings pins the Providence Associate pin on her Providence Associate Companion Traci Tucker.
From left, Sister Maria Bui, OP, and Sister Emily Walsh receive the offeratory gifts from Marsha Bialaszewski and Marilyn Rausch as Helen Flavin, Jennifer Calvert and Marcy Meldahl place candles on the altar.
Sisters, Providence Associates and guests join hands during the praying of the Our Father prayer.
Amy Miranda, Marilyn Rausch and Terry Urban during the commitment ceremony.
Sister of Providence Nancy Nolan of “Here’s the thing, Hon” fame with her Providence Associate Companion Amy Miranda at the first commitment ceremony Nov. 8.
Sister Jody O’Neil prepares to carry a banner in during the liturgy’s procession.
New Providence Associates Lorrie Scheidler and Marsha Bialaszewski greet each other after making commitments.
The newest Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. From front left: Jennifer Calvert, Donna Snelling, Traci Tucker, Marcy Meldahl, Jean Smith, Helen Flavin and Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason. Second row from left: Amy Miranda, Tracy Biggs-Green, Marilyn Rausch. Third row from left: Charles Fisher, Jane Fischer, Suzie Ray, Terry Urban, Duane Drake and Marsha Bialaszewski. Back row from left: Assistant Director of Providence Associates Debbie Dillow, Tara Lane, Lorraine Scheidler, Rev. Rebecca Zelensky, Sarah Wilson, Susan McDowell and General Officer for the Sisters of Providence Sister Dawn Tomaszewski.
Helen Flavin, center, during the commitment ceremony.
From left, Providence Associates Tracy Biggs-Green and Duane Drake during the commitment ceremony.
Jane Fisher and Donna Snelling carry remembrance candles during the entrance procession for the Providence Associates first commitment on Nov. 8, 2014, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason raises her hand in blessing over the new Providence Associates during the Nov. 8, 2014 commitment ceremony.
Director of Providence Associates Diane Mason sings during the entrance procession followed by Sister Ann Sullivan and Rev. Rebecca Zelensky.
Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, Sisters of Providence general officer relating to the Providence Associates, addresses those gathered during the commitment ceremony.
Jean Smith, Sarah Wilson and Traci Tucker carry candles during the entrance procession for their commitment ceremony as Providence Associates.
A real hero: the husband of new Providence Associate Tracy Biggs-Green keeps their children ages 3, 2 and 1 quiet and away from mommy during the liturgy.
From left, Sarah Wilson, Traci Tucker, Jennifer Calvert, Marsha Bialaszewski and Tara Lane make their first commitments as Providence Associates.
New Providence Associates, clockwise from left, Lorrie Scheidler, Tracy Biggs-Green, Amy Miranda and Suzie Ray prepare the altar cloth during Mass.
Amy Miranda is a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence and a staff member in their Advancement Services office. Amy is a 1998 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She currently manages the SP publication HOPE and works on marketing support for Providence Associates, new membership and Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
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