Stories about

Providence Associates

Seeking something more with the Sisters of Providence

By Amy Miranda | November 29, 2023 |

Why are this year’s group of Providence Associate candidates seeking out something more with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and the Providence Community?
Here is what some of the 23 new candidates who started their process with the Providence Community shared at orientation this November.

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23 candidates start the journey to becoming Providence Associates

By Amy Miranda | November 18, 2023 |

Enjoy these photos of our Nov. 11 orientation for Providence Associate candidates as they begin their year-long journey of growing closer to God and the Sisters of Providence Community.

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Welcome to our 2023 Providence Associates

By Amy Miranda | October 27, 2023 |

We are blessed that 20 new Providence Associates answered a call by God to enter more deeply into our community. Enjoy these photos of the Rite of First Commitment ceremony.

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‘We’re all grateful for your CONNECTION’

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 25, 2023 |

You are not joining a club today or becoming a card-carrying member of an organization. You are responding to a call to deepen your connection to the Holy One.

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20 people make commitment as Providence Associates

By Jason Moon | October 24, 2023 |

‘The process of becoming a Providence Associate involved a deep exploration of myself …’

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Remembering who we are and why we are here!

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 23, 2023 |

Spend time reflecting on the impact of the Foundation Story in your life

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Being a Providence Associate has made a difference

By Amy Miranda | September 25, 2023 |

We asked several of our Providence Associates to share how being an associate has made a difference in their lives. Read here as they share how they have been touched by the Community and the Woods.

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Pray for us, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin!

By Sisters of Providence | September 23, 2023 |

Join us for nine days as we pray a novena to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

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Monthly prayer with the Sisters of Providence

By Jason Moon | September 12, 2023 |

Each month’s service will be led by a different Sister of Providence and be focused on a different topic

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Sisters to celebrate Feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

By Jason Moon | September 11, 2023 |

Mass will take place in the CHurch of the Immaculate Conception

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Rejoice with us: A Silver Jubilee Reflection

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | August 24, 2023 |

‘ … I ask you, Anji and Sue, to come forth to the sanctuary and lead us in our renewal of vows.’

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In the Footsteps of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

By Sister Sue Paweski | August 23, 2023 |

Thus began our French pilgrimage of Sisters of Providence, Providence Assoicates and friends called “In the Footsteps of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.” I’d like to share with you a snapshot of our destinations.

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Get a feel for who the Providence Associate community is and find inspiration in these stories. Reflections, poetry, articles and more by and about Providence Associates. Are you being called to walk with the Sisters of Providence as a Providence Associate?

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