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Sisters of Providence Leadership Statement on Immigration Reform

By Sisters of Providence | November 20, 2014 |

What we seek is immigration reform that reflects the best of our values as a nation, and helps to build stronger, more welcoming communities.

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“Creating Currents of Change” in Memphis

By Sister Tracey Horan | November 18, 2014 |

Recently I had the opportunity to migrate south for the weekend to gather with hundreds of justice-minded Catholics in Memphis, Tennessee. My destination was the annual Call to Action National Conference. Moving prayer experiences, dynamic speakers and conversation with other conference attendees in a city with deep roots in civil rights and musical expression challenged me to think deeply about the theme, “The Well of Many Rivers: Creating Currents of Change.”

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Sister Charles Van Hoy honored

By Jason Moon | November 17, 2014 |

After 20 years of organizing candidates’ nights for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, Sister Charles Van Hoy is stepping down. But the Vigo County Democratic Party wanted…

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Anti-Racism: A journey in progress

By Sisters of Providence Anti-Racism Team | July 29, 2014 |

One of the sections of the Sisters of Providence Litany of Nonviolence reads: “Provident God, aware of our own brokenness, we ask the gift of courage to identify how and…

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Poverty Justice Fund

By Sister Donna Butler | April 25, 2014 |

Started in 1999, the Poverty Justice Fund has partnered with close to 100 organizations to assist the Sisters of Providence in their efforts to promote social justice and the integrity…

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Sister Kathleen Desautels: Collaborating for justice

By Jason Moon | April 20, 2014 |

For nearly three decades, Sister Kathleen Desautels (formerly Sister Mary Colleen) has been at the forefront of justice.

The rape and murder of four church women in El Salvador in 1980 was also part of her transformation. She spent time in Bolivia and in Nicaragua – witnessing social injustices – before finding her way to 8th Day Center for Justice in Chicago.

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Sister Regina Gallo shares a bit about her SP journey thus far

By Sisters of Providence | March 11, 2014 |

Sister Regina Gallo talks about becoming a Sister of Providence, living out the mission of the Congregation through her ministry and what gives her hope for the future.

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A historical snapshot of the SP human rights efforts

By Sisters of Providence | January 18, 2014 |

The Sisters of Providence join with others in celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The Congregation has a long legacy of supporting human rights and other social justice issues.

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Human Rights Day and Saint Mother Theodore

By Sister Donna Butler | December 10, 2013 |

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin knew the violation of human rights in an up close and personal way in her home country, France. The French Revolution was a time of great social and political upheaval to abolish the injustice of the feudal system and absolute monarchy. During this time Catholic churches and schools were closed. Despite some gains in human rights, the French Revolution failed to condemn slavery or to uphold the equality of women.

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Want to make someone’s day?

By Sisters of Providence | November 14, 2013 |

We, Sisters of Providence, are always looking for an excuse to celebrate and we’ve come up with a way you can join us in something fun and meaningful!

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Sisters of Providence Facebook page! On this day in 2008 we took the plunge into this social media pool and we have loved every minute of it. Facebook allows us to connect with some pretty awesome people and we are enjoying the sharing that happens within that space.

In honor of this fifth anniversary we want you to “GIVE FIVE!” Give five dollars to someone in need or use it to do something special for someone you know who could use a little pick-me-up.

But that’s not all! We want you to share the story of how you donated that $5 in the comments below or on our Facebook page. (We’ll even welcome them by email at if you prefer.)

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Oil testing, drilling at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | October 18, 2013 |

Our current culture seems to tell us life’s struggle is all about good vs. evil and black-and-white decisions. The reality is that the hardest choices are those that aren’t clear-cut.
They’re the ones you can argue from either side but eventually must make based on only a slight edge. That is the kind of choice the Sisters of Providence had to make about whether to test for and drill for oil on our motherhouse land.

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Care of Earth in everyday life: Sisters Ellen Cunningham and Rosemary Nudd

By Cheryl Casselman | October 2, 2013 |

Sisters Rosemary Nudd, Ellen Cunningham and Dorothy Rasche walk the talk by living and demonstrating care of Earth in their everyday lives.

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As a community dedicated to advocating for the marginalized, we Sisters of Providence join our voices with others in speaking out about many peace and justice issues of great importance in our world. Learn more about justice concerns dear to our hearts here.

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