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Heber to attend Al Gore’s climate change training

By Jason Moon | February 25, 2017 |

Conference to take place March 2-4, in Denver, Colorado

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Hoosier Green Light Award

By Cheryl Casselman | September 30, 2016 |

White Violet Center for Eco-Justice received a Hoosier Green Light Award presented by Sustainable Indiana 2016, an Earth Charter Indiana initiative, and was inducted into the Bicentennial Green Legacy Hall of Fame last night during a ceremony at the Vigo County Public Library in Terre Haute.

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Did you know … cloth diapering makes a difference?

By Cheryl Casselman | July 16, 2015 |

Did you know the Sisters of Providence sell cloth diapers in our gift shop at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods? Are you wondering why a religious order is selling cloth diapers?

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A living Land Ethic

By Sister Tracey Horan | October 22, 2014 |

True confessions of a former White Violet Center intern: staff meetings were sometimes a chance to daydream … but when we met to hear more about the Sisters of Providence Land Ethic I quickly found that this would not be that kind of staff meeting. This was big.

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Oil testing, drilling at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | October 18, 2013 |

Our current culture seems to tell us life’s struggle is all about good vs. evil and black-and-white decisions. The reality is that the hardest choices are those that aren’t clear-cut.
They’re the ones you can argue from either side but eventually must make based on only a slight edge. That is the kind of choice the Sisters of Providence had to make about whether to test for and drill for oil on our motherhouse land.

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Sisters of Providence and LCWR

By Diane Weidenbenner | August 15, 2012 |

In April, 1956, in the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican Congregation for Religious asked the U.S. sisters to form a national conference and in November, the Leadership Conference of Women…

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Practical ways to make a difference

By Connie McCammon | September 13, 2008 |

This article is reprinted from fall 2008 issue of HOPE. Biomass, biodiesel fuel — these may be great for institutions, but how can individuals make an environmental difference? Sisters Florence…

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“Without distinction of persons, do good to all for the love of God.” -Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Join us on our journey of advocacy and action for all people and for all Gods’ creation. Learn more about our mission for environmental and social justice.

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