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Always a challenge for me

Losing weight is a challenge for me. I’ve been a pudgy kid all of my life and it seems that I’m always trying to at least control my weight if not lose a couple of dozen pounds of it.

Now that I’m fast approaching my sixth decade, my reasons for dropping the pounds are less about being physically attractive and much, much more about health and longevity. Losing weight is no longer a “need to,” it’s a MUST do if I want to survive for the long haul.

Our planet Earth, too, has shifted its need for we humans to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that are causing climate change. Our atmosphere, the very air we breathe, can no longer absorb the 110 million tons of carbon we are spewing into it each and every day.

What system could possibly withstand that and continue to support life, especially human life? Losing our carbon “weight” is no longer a “need to,” as in “I’ll get around to it someday.” It’s a MUST do and MUST do NOW!

So, I’ve gone on diets both to get rid of my chunky monkey self and to reduce my carbon impact on Earth. I’m doing the former by moving my body four times a week and eating less. I’m doing the latter by adopting a Low Carbon Diet.

I was given this handy dandy book by David Gershon, published in 2007, that gives practical, totally doable ways to “save money … save energy … save the planet.” Designed to help us lose 5,000 pounds of carbon from our footprint in just 30 days, the Low Carbon Diet outlines steps we all can take to clean up our personal act for the sake of future generations, our children and grandchildren.

You’ll hear a lot more from the Sisters of Providence about the Low Carbon Diet in the weeks, months, and year ahead. New and used copies of the Low Carbon Diet are available online. Or you can go right to the publisher and order your copy from The Empowerment Institute.

Join me! And stay tuned for more on the Low Carbon Diet.

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Lorrie Heber

Lorrie Heber

Lorrie Heber is the director of White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence. You can find her on Twitter at @LorrieHeber.

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  1. Avatar Paula Modaff, S.P. on June 14, 2018 at 7:25 pm

    The only big aspect of you that I ever have noticed is the size of your smile and your heart. Your genuine passion for White Violet and your creative, practical genius have worked miracles in the time that you have been with us. And all we can be is grateful.

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