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Today is Monday in case you were wondering.

Published on April 20, 2020

…National Volunteer Week and Earth Day are two that have always been very important to the Sisters of Providence of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods and deserve recognition. Face painting is always a hit at our Earth Day Festival & Craft Fair which has always been largely staffed by volunteers. Volunteers are vital to our operations. They assist in healthcare, labor in the gardens, lead tours, answer phones, help at the food pantry and so much more. National Volunteer Week, which runs from April…



Ministering on the frontlines

Published on October 29, 2020

…receiving her bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences from Marquette University, she learned about the Sisters of Providence volunteer ministry and elected to take a year off from school to volunteer for the Congregation. “I literally learned about Providence Volunteer Ministries on a whim, through a volunteer fair that was at Marquette,” Sister Arrianne said. “I attended the fair at the last minute as I didn’t have a plan for my next year and thought doing a year of volunteer service…



Sister Shawn Marie McDermott

Published on January 1, 2022

fairies. They carried with them kind and generous hearts, and most of all the gift of hospitality. These qualities they passed on to Joe and to Shawn – and now on to Kate. About a week or more before her death, I sat with Shawn and told her that I had too many beautiful and tender stories. How will I ever fit them into a commentary? There were enough for a book! She said, “Carol, just keep it short.” I…



It takes a community to feed the world

Published on June 30, 2014

…we visited many holy places where Jesus and his disciples walked over 2000 years ago. One of those places was the upper room. As our group of pilgrims gathered in this room, while it was fairly large, 40 people made it look rather small. As we stood there together we read the same Scripture as today: “the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear…” As I stood in the upper room I could see why they would be…



Sister Christine Patrick

Published on March 18, 2020

…of the students. This gentleman was one of the most generous benefactors of the school. He and another father of a student wanted their sons to be granted early dismissal so that the boys could participate in a Pop Warned Tournament. These two grown men, both very successful business men, flipped a coin on their way to Christine’s office. The loser had to ask Christine for the permission. Formidable and fair – a great combination. Several of Christine’s friends and…



Can we talk about racism?

Published on September 24, 2020

Providence Associate Bill Hughes Let’s begin with a story from Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s journal. She was returning from a trip to France in 1844: “The most painful sight I saw in New Orleans was the selling of slaves. Every day in the streets at appointed places, negroes and negresses in holiday attire are exposed for this shameful traffic, like the meanest animals at our fairs. This spectacle oppressed my heart. Lo! I said to myself, these Americans, so proud…



Reflecting on Saint Isidore the Farmer Feast Day

Published on May 14, 2021

…provide optimum growing seasons and for an end to droughts. Let us pray and work for food and safe drinking water for everyone on planet Earth, especially those most in need. Let us pray and work for fair wages for all, especially farm laborers. Let us pray and work to plant and cultivate seeds of education, equality, kindness, fairness, compassion, spirituality, community, care of the sick and poor, generosity and care of Our Home: Earth. Let us pray … Amen….



A reflection for Memorial Day 2020

Published on May 25, 2020

…Remember, remember, these best and brightest traded their dreams of future and wishes, for yours. How did I end up, then, as a Sister of Providence? I had a long, continuous relationship with the Sisters of Providence, graduating from the Juniorate, entering the Novitiate, working in the Infirmary, requesting to choose nursing instead of education, then leaving with my father one fine spring visiting day wondering “What have I done?” Twenty-eight years later, my office in the Indianapolis Archdiocesan Center…



February Black History Month prayer service

…society of the time. He took the surname of “Toussaint” in honor of the hero of the Haitian revolution. Due to his service to the family he was freed at age 45. He then married and purchased a house where together he and his wife fostered orphans, supporting them in getting an education and learning a trade. Bilingual in French and English he was able to help many Haitian immigrants, organizing a credit bureau, an employment agency, and a refuge…



Sister Cecilia Carter (formerly Sister Mary Cecilia)

Published on April 1, 2019

…and often checked on her, comforting her with one of Nancy’s trademark songs. One example of Celia’s love of nature was that she left a lovely cactus garden wherever she was missioned. When Celia was ready to retire in 2002, she stated that she was making arrangements to return to the Woods. I asked her why not the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Orange since she loved her native California and had both an aunt and a cousin in that…



Reflecting on Juneteenth

Published on June 26, 2020

…and traded youthful hopefulness for racial disparities in housing, education, employment, and healthcare. On her shoulders, she struggled to balance the load of her own difficulties with those of generations of people before her who endured slavery on tobacco and cotton plantations, Jim Crow repression, poverty, and exclusion. By the time I was 5, I learned to respond to adult questions about my mother with “My mother died in childbirth with me.” People would ask incredulously, “Here? In the U.S….



Father’s Day and the Beatitudes

Published on June 15, 2017

…and be thankful for the graces that God has bestowed upon you in your life. With five children, one of the beatitudes that has resonated in the Horan household was “Blessed are the peacemakers.” That lends itself to lessons in compromise. I find revisiting the Sermon on the Mount periodically as it relates to me and my family to be a helpful practice. Fatherhood, parenting, is something I would not trade for anything in the world. My family is my…


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