Today is Monday in case you were wondering.
In normal times there is hardly a day that goes by where most people don’t at least once refer to their calendar. At the very minimum you usually know what day of the week it is. Of course these are not normal times. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we view time and sometimes it’s hard to tell one day from the next.
There are a few notable holidays that deserve to be remembered during this upcoming week. National Volunteer Week and Earth Day are two that have always been very important to the Sisters of Providence of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods and deserve recognition.

Volunteers are vital to our operations. They assist in healthcare, labor in the gardens, lead tours, answer phones, help at the food pantry and so much more. National Volunteer Week, which runs from April 19-25, is a great time to take a moment and thank our volunteers and all others who donate their time and talent to so many wonderful organizations. This week we will be highlighting a few of our current volunteers so we can shine a light on all they do.
April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the very first Earth Day. The Sisters of Providence are passionate about their commitment to sustainability and the care of our resources here on Earth. Although our annual Earth Day Festival & Craft Fair originally scheduled for Saturday, April 25, has been cancelled, it is still important to celebrate the Earth. If you haven’t already done so this week would be a great time to sign our Providence Climate Agreement.
So mark your calendars this week. And make sure to take a look at them every once and a while.