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Father’s Day and the Beatitudes

Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging undertakings known to mankind (and womankind). It is the most heart-warming and yet sometimes heart-breaking of professions as well. One day you are beaming with pride for your children’s accomplishments. The next day you want to somehow ease the pain as they recover from an ailment or work through life’s struggles. You want to protect them and at the same time let them grow wings and take flight.

It seems that every father (or parent) has a unique parenting style, their own basic foundation. In our household the main foundation is faith. That can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. Inspiration from the Bible leads to the answer to almost any question in our household An interesting spin on this foundation is one I picked up on as I listened to a Catholic Radio station on my way to work. The voice on the radio was Dr. Greg Popcak of Catholic Counselors, at www.CatholicCounselors.com. He was talking about his book “The BE-DAD-ITUDES: 8 ways to be an awesome Dad”.

Focus on God

Dr. Popcak instructs us that the focus in the household should not be on any one individual, but the focus should be on God. Advice for father’s pulled from the Beatitudes: be humble as Jesus was humble. Practice meekness by connecting with your family by asking questions and actively listening to the responses. Practice mercy and be thankful for the graces that God has bestowed upon you in your life.

With five children, one of the beatitudes that has resonated in the Horan household was “Blessed are the peacemakers.” That lends itself to lessons in compromise. I find revisiting the Sermon on the Mount periodically as it relates to me and my family to be a helpful practice.

Fatherhood, parenting, is something I would not trade for anything in the world. My family is my world. It all comes down to Corinthians 13:13: Faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love!! The unconditional love of family is one of the greatest gifts bestowed on us by God. So, cherish that love and keep them close to your heart always!

Have a wonderful June, and for all of those Fathers out there have a blessed and safe Father’s Day!

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Joseph Horan

Joseph Horan

Joe Horan and his wife Eileen are Providence Associates. The family are long-time members of St Jude Parish in Indianapolis. Joe and Eileen have been married for more than 35 years. They have five children: Stephanie Newton (husband Joey), Sister Tracey Horan, Matt Horan (wife Jay), Rachel Horan and Mike Horan. They also have three grandchildren: Eliza and Vivienne Newton and Zoey Horan. Joe has worked in accounting for more than 35 years. He was born and raised in Greensburg Indiana, where his mom (Teresa Horan) still resides.

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  1. Avatar Marsha Speth, S.P. on June 15, 2017 at 7:00 am

    Thank you, Joe, for sharing your thoughts on fatherhood and parenting!
    Have a wonderful Father’s Day!

  2. Avatar Mary Mundy on June 15, 2017 at 9:07 am

    I want to send this on to my brothers who I think would so much agree with you!!
    Thanks. Blessings this June, especially on Father’s Day, to you and your family.
    Mary Mundy, SP

  3. Avatar Paula Damiano, SP on June 15, 2017 at 9:13 am

    A wonderful reflection – thank you!

  4. Avatar Mary Tomlinson SP on June 15, 2017 at 10:36 am

    Thank you, Joe. What a beautiful reflection. Best wishes on your journey to become Associates. Happy Father’s Day to you.

  5. Avatar Paula Modaff, S.P. on June 15, 2017 at 6:42 pm

    Now we know where Tracey received some of her writing skills genes. I appreciate your reflection regarding unconditional love–needed in the family and so necessary in today’s world. Happy Father’s day indeed.

  6. Tracey Horan Tracey Horan on June 17, 2017 at 8:27 am

    So proud of you, Dad! You and mom have certainly been beautiful models of unconditional love. So grateful for the way you both model this for us kids (now adults! 🙂 ) Love you so much and Happy Father’s Day! <3

  7. Avatar Theresa Tighe on June 20, 2017 at 7:08 pm

    Beautiful. I echo now we know where Tracey gets her way with words and her faith. Sometimes people ask me why I keep on believing in God. The answer is that through my Mother and Father Jesus ate with us. Mary protected us. When my Dad was dying at 39, he said the rosary and read Thomas Merton and found peace. Oh, and Mom and Dad loved us warts and all. Mischief was, although they pretended to be very strict, a source of entertainment to them behind close doors. But we could sense it and sometime see. We always felt the love. God must have a sense of humor. He created us was a family motto.
    Thanks for triggering my memories of the seeds of faith

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